Friday, August 19, 2011

Who are these guys and how'd they get into my life!

     As I move from place to place I have begun considering how it is I choose my friends. On first inspection I think, what a hodgepodge  of people. These guys are youngish, oldish, tradesmen, CEO's, entrepreneurs, philosopher's, and Indian Chiefs (this is an exaggeration). Some are deep thinkers and others haven't really had a deep thought I'm aware of. They seem so different from one another, some are bleeding liberals and others staunch republicans, a few are religious and others pagans...what is it that attracts me to certain people? When I take a closer look, I recognize a quality they all seem to possess, they are all men, in one way or another, I'd like to emulate. Each of them have the ability to keep me interested when we are hanging out and I always enjoy our times together. I find their beliefs and perspective's well thought out, and even when different from mine, something worth considering. Friendship has never been something I actively pursue, but when I make friends they are around for a long time. Cheers to all my buddy's out there.
When on the Road your Mind Wanders!     

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