Saturday, August 13, 2011

One day with the Girls!

These guys actually looked good in Red Dresses...we saw others not nearly as cute!

The girls enjoying the trolley.

With only one day to enjoy our daughter and granddaughters we wanted to pack in the fun...started by sleeping in late...this is actually important, it allows you to gather energy for latter! Got up had a quick breakfast at the hotel and went to catch the trolley. We planned to spend the 1st part of the day in the Garden District looking at the old houses, having lunch and just hanging out. Getting on the trolley we immediately noticed a couple of young men in red dresses...not that strange for New Orleans but remember we're from Colorado...yes we asked what was up and were told it was a big fundraiser run for cancer, the only rule being you had to wear a red that explained the 1000's of people we ran into walking around in red dresses. Anyway, back to the trolley...what a great way to see parts of the city. We got off at Washington St. and just wandered through the district...we saw great old houses, a spooky, but cool, old cemetery, got to have some gelato and eat lunch at a funky, tasty restaurant. Next we headed back to the Quarter and took the girls to the Insectarium. This place is great, just bugs...all bugs...and everything there is to know about bugs. We saw it all including the short film and a brief stop in the butterfly pavilion...we even ate bugs, chocolate covered beetles...good but a little to crunchy for me. We headed back to the hotel for a little siesta before the evening festivities begin. What a great time.
Cemetery was old, spooky and cool!

These old homes were beautiful

Great little bistro for lunch...around the corner from Tulane.


All about bugs!

Butterflies everywhere.

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