Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Kennedy's.

What brothers these men were...The story is so amazing it could be fictional. The oldest boy killed in the war to protect our freedom, the second son, who becomes the President (JFK) and is assassinated, the third who might have followed his older brother into the White House but for another assassins bullet, (RFK), and Little brother Teddy, who became "The Lion of the Senate". No family in the last half of the 20th century has had as big an impact on our country as the Kennedy's. I can actually remember mourning the death of the last three. Jackie "O" Kennedy is also buried here...she was in my opinion the best looking woman who ever graced the White House, as the First Lady.

JFK lies beneath the eternal flame where the words "with history the final judge of our deeds"are written. This quote was from his inaugural address. This is a wonderful memorial to JFK...many of his iconic quotes are featured. 
Edward Kennedy...very simple and dignified.

RFK. An assassin left our country heart broken.  I believe he would have been President.
These men were patriotic servants of the people and our great country. We need more like them right now.

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