Saturday, August 20, 2011

Best day of the week...Funday!

Up to the Ferry on time and settled in...Key West Express is a good operator, very organized with plenty of personnel to get you paid up, onto the ship and comfortably relaxed. This is a 3 - 3 1/2 hour tour (visions of Gilligan), so it's important that things go smoothly. Seating is inside or outside and they have very comfortable seats. We chose outside, covered seats and had a wonderful trip. Man is it nice when things go right! The trip started out great, very picturesque and a nice day. I got some great pictures that I shared on Facebook. Here is my favorite.
Beautiful colors...the day was perfect.
 I had a very memorable ride over to the I am with my favorite girl, it's a beautiful day, we are headed to a fun place and I'm listening to Jimmy Buffet on my Ipod. Our hair is blowing in the wind, we are feeling young and alive and, and, and...come on, how do you beat this day! Look at us...smiling and happy!
Teenagers on their way to KeyWest!
On the other side we get into KeyWest and it's just as was a wonderful ride and the best way to get to the traffic jams, none of that slow traffic or stress that goes with it...just put on your shades, turn up the tunes and relax...leave the driving to them.
The Pier at KeyWest.
After we arrived it was a short cab ride to the Hotel, a little settling in and then off to explore Duval St.
We walked downtown with a heat index of over 100 degrees (wouldn't suggest this), by the time we got there we were hot, tired and soaked from the 100% humidity. Walked into Buffet's Margarettaville and ordered a "Cheeseburger in Paradise" some wind back in our sails and ventured out again. About 45 minutes later I discovered I had lost/misplaced/left my wallet...I had a horrible suspicion it had been pick pocketed during our walk, not sure why just a feeling...hustled back to the restaurant and boy was I relieved they had found it...everything was there except the cash (maybe $35 -$40)...not sure how the cash went missing (have my thoughts on it) but I was happy to get everything else back. Another catastrophe avoided! By this time we were not only tired and sweaty but stressed from worrying about the wallet...we decided to head back to the hotel for an early evening...saw this sign in a window, had a laugh about it and then remembered this is how I use to feel before reality set in. Love that lack of reality!

And finally the best T Shirt...funny.  Have you ever felt this way? It never ceases to amaze me, people can look you right in the eye, and "Grate" you into shreds. Remember you can say no to their hugs!
Oh come on...please!

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