Monday, August 29, 2011

My Dogs are Tired.

     I'm tired today, we have walked and walked and walked and then walked a little more! My dogs need a long rest. So the question is, what are we going to do in Italy where the only form of transportation is our feet. No, this is not all of Italy, but it's definitely the rule in 5terre, where we spend our first month.
     Today we visited the Capital Building, Grant's Memorial, The National Audubon Gardens, The Newseum, The Smithsonian Castle, Jefferson Memorial, Holocaust Museum and The Natural History Museum. And no, we did not spend hours at all of these exhibits. Some take time to go through, others can be enjoyed and appreciated in only a few minutes. I do have a suggestion for the National Mall, you need to invest in moving walkways, turn these things up to 5 or 6 MPH and you'd have a winner, you could certainly charge a "get on" fee, of .25 cents (watch the money pile up). OK, now that I've fixed that problem, let's get back to my poor feet! Maybe Nanc will give me a foot rub, if I beg, oh forgot she's in worse shape than me! OK maybe I'll give her one.
     Highlights today...1) The Capital Building - from every direction it is beautiful. 2) The Jefferson Memorial - it is currently getting a facelift so all the grounds are not open, but man this place rocks, definitely in my top 5! 3) The Holocaust Museum - be ready to have your heart torn out, sad time in human history, unfortunately not the first or last...maybe someday we can learn to live together in harmony. And last but not least 4) The natural History is so big it will take days to go we visited the world of mammals, the evolutionary trail of being human, and spent some time in the Oceans. We plan to go back Wednesday for a whole day. Can't wait. All the other spots we visited were amazing, the Audubon Gardens and Smithsonian Castle are fabulousl, The Newseum is awesome and the Grant Memorial will leave you speechless.
     D.C. is a terrific place to visit, if you haven't ever been here I highly recommend you pack the kids in the car and come visit for a couple weeks. I guarantee everyone would love it, (except for the sore feet).
     We have decided to do the trolley tour tomorrow, our feet really need the rest. Walking to Arlington would be hard and take way to much time so the trolley it is. The tour allows you on and off privileges so we will also see Roosevelt and MLK Memorials.  Each day is a new adventure, which is exactly what I signed up for.
Enjoy the pics!
No bad side to this puppy!

Resting our dogs!

Audubon Gardens

Grant surrounded by 4 Lions.

Smithsonian Castle. Huge!
     Enjoy the pics!

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