Sunday, August 28, 2011


In just one day we were able to see, The Washington Monument, The Lincoln Memorial, WW II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, US Navy Memorial and The National Museum of American History. Seeing all these monuments leaves me feeling pride in my country, love for my countryman and a sense of history I haven't felt before. It is truly amazing that so many, have given so much, to get us to this day.
A seaman returning. Welcome back.

We started our day at the Navy Memorial. My father Herbert was a 20 year Navy man, he survived some harrowing experiences in WW II and continued to serve until his retirement in 1963. Dad died on September 10th 2001...the next day Terrorist flew planes into the Twin Towers and the whole world changed. I was unable to attend my fathers funeral because I was living in Hawaii, and it was impossible to get off the island. I have missed him these 10 long years. Today when I saw this statue at the memorial it took me back to my childhood. When my dad would return from deployments overseas this is how he looked as we met him at the door of our house. It was good thinking about him today.

What can you say about the Washington Monument! This is an Inspire sight on the National Mall. It was damaged last week in the Earthquake so we were not allowed onto the site. That's OK it was still amazing.
Beautiful Day.
The World War II Memorial is Grand. We lost over 400,000 men in the War. One of the focal points of the memorial is a wall with 4,000 gold stars affixed to it, 1 star for 100 men lost. The inscription that fronts the wall reads: HERE WE MARK THE PRICE OF FREEDOM. Standing before this wall is sobering. It gives me a sense of Patriotism.

The Lincoln Memorial is Gigantic. It dwarfs most other monuments or memorials on the Mall. There sits Abe looking down on his countryman with wisdom and justice. Lincoln was a great man who answered the countries call when he was most needed. The days were dark and called for a real leader...thank god he was there.
The Vietnam Memorial, a war of my time. The war that divided our people, I remember the days of protest and rage. Vietnam was considered by many a terrible waste of our soldiers blood and by others as a great undertaking. Whatever it was, it left a terrible scar on our country. My older brother Herb Jr. served in Vietnam and left a big part of who he was there. He made it home, but was never the same. Herb died in 2002 and I think about him a lot. He was always my "Big Brother," and I thought he was the best.
The reflective surface allows you to see yourself.
This was the hardest part of the day for many didn't make it home...58,000. Many fewer than WW I or II, but this was a different kind of war. I hope there will be no more Vietnams in my lifetime.

Finally a site everyone has seen, The White House. What a place of power. Those living in this place need wisdom and courage beyond ordinary men. It's easy now to sit outside these walls and second guess everything, but what good does that do. The man who sits in the Oval Office needs our sincerest effort to help run this country.
Our house.

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