Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let it Rain!!! NO Let it Pour!!!

     Maybe it doesn't Rain in California, but it Pours in started off great, nice weather, got up early, all the way to a good dinner at San Angel Mexican Restaurant...then it started to pour, and I mean pour. We had no option but to walk to our bus (about 1/4 mile) and by time we got there we were laughing like 2 would be a understatement to say we were soaked...we were wet to the core. We got back to the room, stripped off our cloth's and dried off with towels. Nancy said it was, as far as she could remember, the 1st time she'd walked in the rain and enjoyed it! See we really are becoming kids!
Off Kilter...a Canadian Celtic Rock Group.

     Before the rain we had a relaxing and slow day...we sat and watched a whole set of Off Kilter, these guys are kind of a Canadian and Celtic Rock group. The music was fun and had the whole crowd tapping their feet and clapping their hands. They have CD's available which I will get when we come back to Colorado.
Irish kid with a cool shirt!

     I saw a few great T Shirts today...but this kid from Ireland had by far the best. I have always wanted to be 50% Chilled----50% Dude----and 100% COOL! He was thrilled to be photographed, in fact everyone I asked to photo their shirt was thrilled.
David and Lana...our new friends from New York City.

     On the road you get to meet lots and lots of people (if your so inclined, which we are)...these are our new friends David and Lana from New York City...of East Indian heritage Lana grew up in Trinidad and David hails from Guyana...apparently there is no love loss between these neighboring countries but these 2 started dating in High school, got married 21 years ago and have 2 beautiful daughters. Lana was such a New Yorker...I mean you see this obviously East Indian woman and think you know what to expect and BAM, she starts speaking...she has all the good parts of a New Yorker...great accent, good sense of humor and a wonderful way of talking and telling stories. We spent a fun hour sitting next to them on a park bench. We compared notes on raising kids and let them know how great it was once the nest empties. These are the people we hope to meet all over the world.
A lonely Dolphin who wants outside.
This is sad...The whole time we were at the aquarium, you could see this one dolphin up by the only source of outside's good we are helping keep certain species remain viable, but this guy wants out (or at least it looks that way)!

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