Friday, September 30, 2011

On the Move.

 As the sand filters thru the hourglass in Corniglia, we remember the great times and sights. From the rooster in the morning until the gorgeous sunsets, our days have been full. Some we’ve spent quietly while others have been filled with adventure and exploration. We won’t soon forget the people we have meant or the places we’ve seen. Portovenere and Portofino were magnificent and how will we ever forget our Rock Concert in Corniglia. We’ve climbed 1000s of steps and walked in places people have walked for over 1500 years. The sense of history is around every corner. We take with us a better understanding of the world and the people of Italy. Molte grazie to all the people who befriended us and helped us along the way. See you in Umbria! 
I hope this artist captures the soul of Corneglia.

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