Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I thought this was Vacation?

Happy Campers on Wash and Grocery Day.

I want to lower the sunshade, get a glass of wine, and just sit here.

The square in LaSpezia...empty.
     You know its bound to happen if you stay in a place long enough (and we've been here 2 1/2 weeks)...the food and clean clothes run out at the same time...this always leads to the dreaded stay at home day. Time to clean and do the wash (I thought we were on vacation)? However, before we start, we need to train-it to La Spezia for groceries. Yes, we do eat out a lot, but remember we are on the road for 8 restaurants anywhere are that good and besides, we do have to make the mullah stretch. The local markets can handle most of our day to day needs, but we need some meat, lots of veggies and a couple things they don't carry at our locale, "Whole Foods". We walk down to the train station and catch the 11:30 train to La Spezia, from there its about a 6 block walk to the Supermarcato. It's a beautiful day, and by time we get to the market, the rest of the city has started its siesta...this means small crowds at the market and no real foot traffic on the sidewalks...makes it easier. Our first stop is the general store for some envelopes and other supplies, Nanc has put on her list. Then it's the market where we fill our little red pull cart with all the goodies we can carry back to the train. You should see us, we are the original, "Beverly Hillbillies". I mean I always have my backpack on ( how did I ever live without one) which weighs about 10 lbs., I'm like the camel, carrying water and supplies. So now besides the backpack I have 2 bags in each hand and following right behind me is Nanc with anywhere from 2-4 bags...What a Sight!
     We get lucky today and get to the train just as it pulls in, you can imagine all the people who want to sit by us...and our 6 bags of groceries. You can see all of them sitting there praying we pick a different seat. Today we sat by a couple Aussie ladies who were very talkative and kept us entertained with they're hiking exploits. Fun people who made the train ride go by fast.
     Exiting the train was the same old rugby match, but with 6 bags of groceries as blockers we got off the train easy and made our way to the spot where you have to decide bus or 382 steps...easy is my 3euros for the bus.
     The bus driver took a powder and was gone for about 20 minutes, which meant there were only a few of us to ride. Standing in line we had a wonderful chat with a couple from Ireland. Brendan and Jen were somewhere between 65-70 and very well travelled...They had the Irish gift of gab and a wonderful sense of humor. The Irish have, in my opinion, the best accent in the world and if you add their good humor they are absolutely delightful people to hang out with. We talked the whole way to the top of the hill, wished each other a great day and then parted company. We had groceries to put away and wash to do...but first, what about lunch! I offered to take Nanc out after the long walk and hard work of grocery  procurement...she agreed immediately.
     We have been eyeing a little restaurant called La Posada, it has a great view of the sea and train station, and the seating is all shaded...we made our way up the hill, spotted a perfect table and sat down. There, right next to us, were Brendan and Jen...we ordered our lunch and sat and talked to them for a couple hours. A great way to spend the afternoon. We talked about any and everything, Brendan was a Harvard Grad who had started his own Recruitment Company and done very well in the Pharmaceutical  Placement. He could talk politics, social issues and world affairs with the best of them and we thoroughly enjoyed their company. They went off to do the hike to Vernazza and we finally faced the laundry and chores.
     All considered, this was a good day.

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