Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Levanto...trains and feet.

Absolutely a free day! Woke up with zero plans, maybe we can read a book, or go on a walk, decided to have breakfast and discuss it. I need to run down to our, “Whole Foods” for milk...Ok I’m back, that took 45 seconds. A hardy breakfast of cereal and toast, now...what to do today? 
We have decided to catch the train to Levanto, we hear its a nice little town, its just up the road and with a population of 19,000 maybe a little shopping...of course we now refer to a town this size as, “the big city”. Remember Corniglia has a population of between 300 and 500 people depending on where you get your info. If you add the tourist, at any one moment in time, it probably doubles. Likewise, the other villages have between 500 and 1500 population, again, depending on which site you link to on the internet.
The southern border of the 5terre is La Spezia (a very large city of 95,000) and the northern border is Levanto. As we make our way down the hill to the Stazione, we again are taken with the beauty of the countryside and the lives these 5terreans live. The lifestyle here is so far removed from what we know. I wonder if these villagers, set down in our world for a month, would be so shocked? I can picture them being to stressed out to function! Just imagine a life in their small world...no TV (actually available but no one seems to watch it), almost no news reaches you here, your days have no waste in front of the boob tube. Every evening at dusk you make a point of going out and hanging with, and talking to, your neighbors and friends. Food is something you grow and eat when it’s picked, there doesn’t seem to be any want, but not a huge amount of excess either. The wine you make, either you or your guest drink, and you work cooperatively with all your neighbors to pick the grapes and press them. One day is much like the last, as the seasons grow into years and the years to decades. These people are the definition of “stop to smell the roses”, in fact, they would grow them first!
Anyway on to Levanto...this is a cute little beach town. We strolled the beach walk, the downtown area and even walked up to the old church. The main church building was started in the early 13th century and dedicated a couple 100 years later. It was beautiful inside and had an amazing ssshhhhh factor when you walked in the door. We definitely are seeing a pattern in these old churches, and man are they gorgeous. The people in those days were so poor but the cathedrals they built to god were just magnificent. I did get a couple pictures I’ll post on facebook if your interested. 
We stopped at a little ristorante and tried a pesto pizza, we read somewhere how good this was and wanted to give it a try. Now, you all know, I’m a great lover of “American Style Pizza”, so I’ve been a little hesitant to try the pizza here. No sweat, they are nothing alike. The pesto was good and I’ll probably order it again...but...give me NY or Chicago Pizza anytime and I’ll be happy. Good meal though.
We had considered catching the ferry back to La Spezia and then train it home...problem was we couldn’t find anyone who knew where the ferry comes in or leaves from. To late to figure it out today...there is always tomorrow. Got home just in time to relax from our relaxing day!
Have I told you, I Love My Life!!
Just down from the station...begged for a photo.

Anybody lost yet?

Beach is fabulous.

A day in the big city.

Gateways are so inviting here...these Italians start building at the beginning.

Now this graffiti is like art.

St Andrea Church...1222

This church was built in 1222

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