Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mr. Anchovies!

I have enough love to include anchovies.
I have been wanting to try anchovies for the last week or so...why anchovies you ask...hmmm...let me explain, coming to Italy there were a number of foods I never really cared pesto, like bruschetta, and like anchovies. I tried local Pesto and fell in love, I tried local bruschetta and fell in love, so...I think I have a little more love left in me for anchovies! I contacted my old friend Lucia for advise on which dish to try...Lucia being Lucia scolded me for being so American...she suggested I try them all and refused to endorse one over the other. Last night Nancy and I went to Cecily, a beautiful restaurant, located in Corniglia, overlooking the sea. We enjoyed a bottle of the local vino rosso and I order anchovies limonie. It was actually offered 3 ways, with salt, fried or limonie...loving lemons, I thought it a good choice. So now I've sampled anchovies, hmmmm, not bad...certainly better than those awful things we put on pizza's back home, but maybe just not my bag. I did eat them all and found them tasty, but not overwhelmingly so. The Cozze was excellent however. I might give the fried anchovies a try sometime in the next couple weeks. And Lucia, thanks for making me become a little less American! Ciao.

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