Wednesday, September 14, 2011

More and more Corniglia...a wonder.

The view from a new lookout we found above one of the churches...looks to train station and Manarola.

A beautiful narrow walk to a part of Corniglia we haven't seen.

In a very narrow walkway we found it suddenly opens to reveal this little even has trees!

This is the balcony in Italy you came to screams "take a picture"!
It is located adjacent to the church, but on the same level as the church courtyard
you can almost reach out and grab it. This is where I'd go to relax. It is so Cool!

The dome is would be interesting to find out a little history here the artistry is something. 

The old churches are beautiful, hope they don't mind me sneaking a couple pics.

An old winepress...I'm sure it is still functional.

Built into the walls these shells tie it to the sea.

     After almost 2 weeks of continuous motion we are spending the day quietly in our flat. Some reading, a little writing and just a little munching today. Hopefully you who are staying up with this are getting a clear picture of Corniglia, not only through the pictures but also my descriptions. About 12:30 we ventured out to pick up some salami, cheese and bread for a laid back lunch in our flat. The gelato always calls you after lunch and so, we once more made our way down the steps to what we call, “the village below”. Gelato and people watching go hand in hand and so we found a cozy bench in the center of the village.  
    We just happened to run into a young couple we met in La Spezia a few days ago, and had a nice chit-chat. Jamie and Sloan are from Charlotte, NC and here for their first wedding anniversary. Jamie has spent quite a bit of time in Colorado so we compared the beauty of Colorado vs 5terre. We agreed Colorado holds its own in any discussion of natural beauty. He was very familiar with Loveland and the whole front range, it sounds like he has family out our way. They were walking the whole distance from Riomaggiore to Monterosso and we had just happened upon them as they were passing thru Corniglia (which is about half way). The walk is about 5 hours and includes easy, moderate and difficult portions. We bid them safe travels and continued our people watching. 
     After gelato we decided to roam a little. Corniglia is such a funny little place, just when you think you've seen the whole village, you round another corner and find more.  Today we zigged instead of zagged and ended up in a couple places we had never seen...I mean we've been here for 13 days and this is a tiny village...but there you go, this kind of explains the place. One building stacked on another, walkways so small you figure they go nowhere but to someone's you don't follow it, but if you did you'd discover more village. I mean these are not new restaurants or shopping malls we found, just homes and paths and walks. These are the very paths and alleys you come all this way to see. If I can give some advice, it would be, follow these paths to there end, you won't believe what you find.

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