Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long day of travel.

Central Station Milan
Long flight into Dublin...had hoped to see part of the city flying in but overcast skies did not allow a very good view. Arrived about 5:30am and the place was hopping already. We had time for a quick Mocha and then hustled onto our next flight into Milan. These 2 flights on Aer Lingus have been a real throwback to the way travel use to be. All the crew are dressed nicely, women have there hair done, makeup etc...and the men are spit and polish. They do a drink service in flight, serve a meal and then offer coffee, What a pleasure to be treated like a valued customer. Very polite stews and stewardesses and a fun experience. Now days in the Sates your lucky for someone to throw you a bag of peanuts and the one doing the throwing is wearing shorts and tennis shoes. Sometimes the old ways are better. I like casual but it sure felt right flying like this.
Many trains and tracks
We arrived in Milan on schedule...another big difference to US haulers...they load and unload using push stairs and they do it from both the front and the back of the plane. Arriving in Milan we exited the rear of the plane and there was a bus waiting to take us to the terminal. Got our luggage and only had a moment of indecision (and panic) finding the bus to the Central Train Station. Once we made it to the Station we were able to hire a porter to not only lug our bags but he also pointed us in the direction of tickets and loaded us onto the train...the tickets to La Spezia were $67.50 Euros (about $100 US) and the ticket seller did not offer my change back, when I asked for the change, he had to recount his whole bank to make sure he hadn’t given it to me already. Nancy thinks he was a scammer, I think he just forgot...who knows. We are currently in Genova on the way to La Spezia...not sure when I will be able to post this to the blog but will scout out Corniglia tomorrow for either wifi or hotspots available to me. 
I was able to sleep a little here and a little there, whereas Nancy hasn’t slept in 24 hours, can you say Zombie! She is sitting across from me right now with her big sunglasses on and I can’t tell if she is awake or asleep. 
Milan was not a very nice city but maybe we only saw the worst of it...the countryside has been picturesque in spots but mostly rusty and dilapidated. Can’t wait to get to 5terre...I’ve seen the pictures, hope it matches my mental picture.. We need a good meal and a bed.


View out opposite window


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