Sunday, September 11, 2011

Riomaggiore, Maranola and lunch.

Riomaggiore...seafood paradise.

My happy look...almost lunch time!

An embrace and kiss.

Lots of boats on the streets of Maranola.

     After 2 months on the road, and 10 days in Italy we are starting to figure out how to relax . We wake up when we want, do what we want, and are enjoying whatever it is. Our lives the last few years have been 24/7,  we are always busy, so busy that we are missing out on all the life taking place around us. I don't blame this on our jobs, or the situations we find ourselves in, I blame it on our outlook and attitude. Many people have jobs that require attention and most have family issues they have to deal with, that of course is where the rub you handle it.
     Now we define our days as 0/0...that pretty much takes the stress away. Coming down from the manic 24/7 is hard, you create a reality for yourself that makes you feel you can take care of everything and everything is under control. You become so important you can't pull yourself away or calamity will strike. Well her I am...NaHoku is still there, here's Nanc...everything on the home front is holding together. Sorry it took me to 60 to figure this out. Life is Good.
    Today was a day of exploration, we took the train to Riomaggiore and then walked the VIA DELL'AMORE, "the walk of lovers"! Yes I held her hand. All of these villages are alike but different, each has its own personality, but they all have beauty and great food in common. We loved both villages, they are both on the sea and, like Corniglia, all the buildings seem stacked on top of each other. Both have plenty of stairs (for the stair enthusiast), and beg you to take a picture at every turn. After our walk along the coast we decided to have lunch at Il Porticciola in Maranola. The place was mobbed, they were turning everyone away but I told one of the ladies we would be happy to wait and, 10 minutes later we had the best seat in the house. Maranola is known for its seafood so I ordered seafood spaghetti, Nanc got a salad and pesto bruschetta. The food here is terrific, you always leave happy.
   My friend Vee in Australia just wrote and told me I am now sounding more like I fit in Italy...why...because I have started taking pictures of our dishes and writing about the food. Vee, you couldn't be more right!
Nancy's bruschette with pesto.

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