Sunday, October 2, 2011

Moving Day...Corniglia to Alviano.

     Cruising down the Italian Autostrada in our rented Fiat Panda,  we are doing about 130km/hour with the Tuscan and Umbrian countryside flying by...the weather is perfect, a beautiful Italian day for a drive. It’s just a little surreal.  
     We started the day in Corniglia, woke up at 5, finished packing and we’re out the door by 7:30...we make it down all 3 narrow flights of stairs without incident and get to the bus station early...when the bus, that is suppose to take us to the train station pulls up, it immediately breaks down. No sweat, we will walk down with all our bags (great way to start a long day)...of course as we near the Station, the bus (which has been fixed) passes us. Italy!
     We take the take the train to La Spezia and grab a cab to Europoauto, easily done. Get out the mapquest directions to Attigliana and drive right to it...not even a up with Alessio’s sister, Arabella and she guides us into heaven (Alviano) where we are to live for 2 months. Oh my, you should see this place, it sits grandly on a hill looking over the valley below. The awesome Castle is just down the alleyway from our flat. Are you kidding me! What a place to call home for 2 months! In just a few short hours we meet...Anna, Victoria, Guiseppe, Marco, Alesaro, Jeanna, and Mario, we drink to much vino (is that possible?), indulge in a heaping plate of Pasta Florino, waddle back to our flat and jump into our queen sized bed! Check this one as an outstanding day. 

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