Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chasing the Internet

The train to La Spezia for the Internet.

Woke up at 10am...yes, I know, it’s already getting later and later, one day we will probably just not get up and spend the whole day sleeping. A quick breakfast a little personal hygiene and, voila, we are ready to go (of course it’s already noon). Today we will tackle our computer problem, using our speaking Italian problem, this will be interesting. Sometimes things are not as good as they seem. We made it down all 382 steps to the train station, purchased our tickets to La Spezia no problem, got into town, got great directions to a place and find it on the 1st try! Yes...NO...they have closed at noon for a 4 hour siesta (or whatever the Italians call it). Let me see it’s about 1pm so we have only a 3 hour wait. OK no big deal, we have a little shopping we need to do, we will get a little lunch...maybe a cappuchino and...OK now it’s 3:15pm...Lets just wait...tick tock...ah the young girl is here and finally unlocks the door for us. I am 1st in line and explain I need the Chiavette (Key) for mobile wifi service. Of course she doesn’t sale this device at her store, she mumbles Electronic Store and sends me back to my search. We are now roaming the streets of La Spezia trying to find an “Open” electronic store. We have unsuccessfully burned our whole day, and must get back to the station for our 6pm train. Nancy sees a Western Union store up ahead and suggests we stop and ask the employees for advice (since they send money everywhere they must speak lots of languages). OK pretty good idea. And here we meet Andrea Bianchi, our hero! He not only understand us, but actually sells these very items, plus service out of his business. So, we spend 74 Euros and are now the proud owners of our very own Chiavette. The only problem that remains is if it will work in the 5terre...fingers crossed, we will carry the computer everywhere tomorrow trying it out. We need to be connected.

Now for the real challenge of the day...should we bus from the Corniglia train station or walk up the dreaded 382 steps...I know what your all thinking and you are wrong! We have decided to walk up. A very arduous climb but we made it safely to the top, a little more tired, considerably more sweaty, but all in all, we were happy with the hike. Nancy has decided we will do this daily as our Cardio exercise and to get ready for New Zealand...let me think about this!

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