Saturday, September 10, 2011

My dad, Herb.

10 years ago tonight I was in Hawaii and received the news my father had died. My dad had been sick for sometime, but I'm not sure your ever ready for this news. It was to late to make travel arrangements to Scottsdale, so I told my mother first thing in the morning I 'd make my plans and call her with the details. Nancy was in Louisiana helping our daughter Jessica, she was scheduled to have a baby on the 13th. The news was sad, but with all that was in front of me I kind of put off the mourning and focused on the days ahead. Early in the morning I woke up to the phone ringing, my sister asked if I'd heard the news, I told her, that yes, mother had called and...she interrupted me and told me to turn on my television, I hung up the phone, turned on the TV, and was horrified at what was taking place in NY. I was glued to the television like everyone else that day. Later I heard the news that all airports and flights had been cancelled until further notice. Remember I'm in Hawaii! Of course the outcome of all this is obvious, I was unable to secure any type of transportation and so not able to attend my fathers funeral. Two days later my granddaughter Gracelyn was born and my plans to go to Louisiana were likewise cancelled. These were lonely days in my life. Nancy wasn't there to share my grief with or my joy over Grace.

My mom and dad when they were young...maybe 1949-50.
Tonight I'm sitting here thinking about my father and what a wonderful guy he was. Not much of a talker,  hugger or bull shitter, but one of those solid men who take care of their family. He served our country during WW II and made a 20 year career in the Navy. Later through hard work and determination he became quite successful. My dad was well thought of in the community and counted many many people as friends. He loved to golf, even though he was big time hacker. The end of his life was hard. Dad always had this vision of retiring to Arizona and playing golf everyday. A couple years before his retirement he had a back operation that was botched and left him invalid. Those days were tough, but he rallied and held onto the dream of Arizona. He bought himself this huge house on wheels (an RV), that there was no way he could handle, he ended up taking a bad fall in it and received a sever head injury. At the end of his life he was living in a nursing home and appeared to just give up. But, you know, the last days are not who he was, I remember all the years before that when he was simply my dad. He was always someone I could trust and confide in. He was ready to give advice if asked but never pushed it. Nancy and I both miss him and talk about him often. We miss his sparkling smile and early morning good humor. I wish I could have one more cup of coffee with him. Well, it's been 10 years. Dad I know your at peace. I love you.
This is a statue at the Navy memorial in DC...this is how I remember my dad every time he came home from deployment.

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