Sunday, February 26, 2012

WakaAma...paddling on the river.

     The Langford's are tremendous paddler's. Suze and Rachel are world class and rank very high on team and individual paddling...they have both been in world events and placed at the top. David is also a strong paddler, on a strong team. They own, and partially own, a couple different Waka's...canoe's basically, add the word Ama and you have an Outrigger or "Canoe with an Arm". Deb and I had really wanted to do a paddle so David and Suze set it up for the  afternoon of the was a nice overcast day, warm but not hot. We took out the 6 passenger Waka, David in back steering and from the front to back it was Suze, Debbie, Kath, Rachel, me and then David...I was between the power. If you saw Rachel you could never understand how she has the force with a paddle she does...she is very petite, lots of muscle but very small...anyway she is a force with a paddle in her hands. Suze and Rach gave us a quick lesson in team paddling and safety, we boarded the Waka, and away we went. At first the going was slow because our timing was off and we were all out of sync as a team, but in a very short time with Rach, David and Suze guiding us, we started getting it and got faster and faster...We paddled up the river about 1/2 hour and then back...great workout and very cool way to spend the afternoon.

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