Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rere Falls and Rockslide

Some of our days have been absolutely jam packed with stuff to do, today was one. Gisborne is way off the tourist track and I have no idea we ventured up to the Kingwood Arboretum and then drove a couple Km over to Rere Falls for lunch and Rere Rockslide for fun...a perfect touristy day.

Rere Falls

Just off the charge to get in.

lots of warnings

this fence line is so cool

a single lamb was up there making so much noise

Sophie waits her turn

Kath making her way to the track

Soph is off and away...brrr

mother and daughter were so pleased with themselves...

Soph giving me instructions

very fast slide

didn't even crash at the bottom...just rode until I sank

Where is my towel!

another free the states this would cost plenty.

we celebrated a great day with dinner at Cantina Caliente, Kath bought!

owned by Californians this was very good food.

The falls were awesome...very wide and high with great volumns of water coming down. Suze and Kath told us on some days you can actually get in behind the waterfalls and get some terrific pictures, not today, to much water. Nice area for swimming if you can take the cold water or you can just sit and enjoy the falls. We had lunch to the sound of water...very cool. After a few pictures and a sandwich we headed over to the Rere Rockslide...this is a natural rock slide that's about 45 meters long and empties into a nice little area...again the water was very cold...the only 2 of us thinking about doing the slide were Sophie and I, it didn't look any worse than the sand boarding we'd done but man the water was freezing...I am such a baby about cold water I decided to not do it. Sophie was now on her own...she did seem a bit reluctant, but when her mom Kath decided to join her, she was all you have to understand Kath, this woman would be cold in an oven, in the summer. She actually walks around on warm days with a wool cap and jacket on (sometimes a down jacket)...of all the people willing to go down this cold slide, she would have been the last one I would have picked...obviously I couldn't let her one up me. So, brrrring all the way I made my way out to the slide, got a few instructions from Sophie and one of the guys in a wet suit, jumped on the boggy board and had a great ride down the slide...very cool to do but very cold also. Once was enough, time to dry off and watch all the kids in their wetsuits . A fun fun day.

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