Friday, February 10, 2012

Routeburn Day 2

Routeburn day 2
A quick breakfast and teeth cleaning and we are out the is perfect. Heads up we hauled ass for about 10 minutes until the path got hard again...after so many boulders to scramble over, gear checks, water breaks and stops to oh and ah, we had climbed a considerable distance and in amazement looked down where we had spent the night...great view from up here. Considering our limitations we decided the key to success was to go slow and steady and make safety the number one priority. It also allowed us an enjoyable time, we stopped often to view the scenery and smell the roses...what a magic day...we started in Jurassic Park then strolled into Middle Earth and finished up in Narnia...Beautiful. With our last gasp of energy we made it into the Shelter for a 1/2 hour of lunch and to prepare ourselves for the second half of the day... we staggered into the 1st hut about 3:30pm and braced ourselves for the last stage...very rugged ground to cover and with everyone spent we trooped on as a team and reached the Routeburn Track Hut...much better, we got in at 5pm with lots of time to unwind, eat and get ready for the next day and we weren’t even wet! Tomorrow promises to be short and sweet.

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