Wednesday, February 15, 2012

To the beach and the wharf...

the wharf is 660 meters long (2100')
best buddies in 1968 when kath moved

Nanc modeling with her car

lots of fishing going on

tall tales but no fish...

really cool old people

top of the world ma

secret passage

a one horse town...actually 3 diners and 3 superettes

workman leave their dirty boots outside the diners...

nice moments

old junior high friends
     Yesterday we decided to take a short ride up the coast...lots of cool beaches and countryside, we stopped at a beach that was completely deserted...just us and our some great shots and then back into the car for the ride up to Tolago Bay Wharf...this was awesome...660 meters long (about 2100 feet) which makes it the longest wharf in the Souther Hemisphere...the wharf is in a pretty bad state of repair but still attracts a lot of people...we saw quite a few people fishing and just sightseeing like us...the whole area is beautiful, a great place for a picnic on a sunny day. With the clouds accumulating we opted for a small diner up the road in Tolaga.

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