Friday, February 10, 2012

Haast Pass to Glacier bay

Day 19 Feb 1
Woke up in Makarora to a glorious morning, it rained most of the night, I sure feel for the few hardy souls who slept in tents...great camp though and we 3 had a terrific sleep...upgraded to a 3 person ensuite...could have slept 7, kitchen, bath, the civilized these last few days, sheets and pillows! Left about 9am...stopped to see the Blue Pools which were actually brown because of the rain...nice walk but  nothing special. Next stop is the Haast Pass Overlook...a very steep 30 minute hike is rewarded with awesome we’re talkin, these seem to be more of the norm in this magical country. Had lunch at a park alongside the road and we are back on the road. Love these little stops we make to see the country and smell the roses. Next up is the Haast Visitor Center for a little culture, then we crossed NZ’s longest one-way bridge...what a day! Next stop Ship Wreck Beach for pictures of drift wood and just in time to have the bugs eat us alive...these little black flies are a bitch! We were 1st back to the bus and with absolutely no embarrassment climbed aboard to escape the bugs. Pulled into Glacier Bay and our next another upgrade and settled in for the make dinner...bbq was excellent.

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