Friday, February 10, 2012


Feb 6 Day 24
Only 3 days left...ready to move on to something else. First up is back to the Flying Fox for more fun and frolic, evidently once was not enough...this is the problem with this kind of tour, you have to go with the mob. Next we are stopping at the local airport so young Steve can fly the stunt plane...this young Irishman is nuts, but what a good kid...he runs the 1st ever Whole Foods type store in the country (Ireland). 
      There are a number of us who hope to get into Nelson and find a place to watch the Super Bowl...seems like our guide is dragging her feet breaks every time we turn around, this is definitely hurry up and wait...she doesn’t understand how important the SB is!!! fingers crossed she gets a move on...finally the 2 young aussies (Ethan and Sam), Steve the young Irishman, my buddy from Bama, Steve and Nanc, Debbie and I found the 623 club and settled into watch the second half of the Super Bowl...the place was packed with Kiwi’s...they may not understand the game but they sure know when something good or bad happens, maybe the groans and cheers of the americans help. Great exciting game, I was sortof routing for the Pat’s but even though they lost we enjoyed our NZ time watching the game...a nice memory.
      Made our way to tonights campsite...upgraded again to a cabin (about 1/2 mile from the group), when we went back over to the camp for supper their were evidently some people unhappy we’d upgraded because we got the cold shoulder...yes, High school is alive and well and lives in Tour Groups of supposed adults. Such a mixed experience, to many people, to long (27 days) and way to much time on a bus...if I had taken a picture of every coffee shop, gas station and toilet we’d stopped at I’d have an award winning coffee table book...scary. Live and least we saw the country.

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