Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fun day in Alviano...Soccer, Cemetery and Olive Groves.

 Spent another quiet day in Alviano, recoverying from our trip to Venice. We’ve been wanting to take a long walk down the main road and see whats what, so we did. Got some good pics of town and noticed lots we hadn’t seen before. Visited the Cemetery, soccer field and took an up close look at the olive groves...the day was sunny and warm and the hike felt good. The air is so clean here, no industry so no pollution, perfect.
     The soccer field is wonderful...good parking, night lights, green green grass and great facilities. Remember this is a town of only 1500 people. I have no idea if Alviano is known for their prowess on the field or not, but the field looks like the people here hold it in high regard. We’ve heard lots of games being played and the crowd is large enough for their applause to drift into town.
      Continued down the hill to the cemetery...these are places people use to celebrate someone’s life rather than their death. Every spot is filled with fresh flowers, pictures of the deceased and small different than what you see in the states...this may just be the difference between a small town and the larger ones I’ve lived in. But this idea of celebrating their life in a cemetery is really cool. I’m sure every soul in Alviano knows exactly where they will be spending eternity...maybe a comfort maybe not, who knows? The pictures aren’t just of those with flowers...they all are adorned with flowers and whatever the family deems’s really neat.
     There are so many Olive trees in this area, it is the big industry I’m many trees still have an abundance of olives on them...I’m not really sure when the season starts or ends but we have to be towards the end of is really getting cold at into the 40F.
     There are signs up all over town letting everyone know there is a wedding here tonight...not invited but if given a chance we will definitely crash the party...would that be fun or what!

olive oil processor

Olives ready to harvest

like this spot

flowers everywhere

Great Soccer field

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