Monday, October 17, 2011

A needed day off.

 We had a much needed day of was divine. Woke up late and no hurry to get anywhere...books, puzzles, music and conversation with my wife. Kickin back in Italy. Nice blue sky today but the wind made it cold. Our only action was a cappuccino at the Sepi Bar and a little computer time looking up Venice, there is a wealth of info (as you can Imagine)...looks like we found a couple things to do and will research a little more on the way there. It’s about 5 hours up and Nanc as my wingman can do the research while I command our new Punto. That’s right, we went to Perugia yesterday and traded our little Panda for a bigger Punto (still a Fiat)...this things got a lot more guts and doesn’t even get warmed up until you hit 120km/ was a hassle changing cars but now I’m happy with the upgrade, the trip will be much more comfortable.
     We our staying at Le Boulevard on Lido Island so will need to figure out the car ferry...after this trip we will be masters at almost we are in a country that we speak virtually none of the language and everything we try to do, gets done...When we lived in Hawaii I had a couple salespeople working for me that had almost zero language skill at English but still sold tons...I always wondered how they did it, now I know...there is much more to communication than just words, and we are getting fluent in it.
     We are packing very light so if it seems we are wearing the same clothes in every picture...we are. Funny looking back at all the pictures we’ve taken in the last 3 months and see us in the same clothes over and over. A couple of my shirts are starting to fray so I’ll need to replace them in Australia...have to look good during our cruise. Maybe I’ll get one of those T shirts with a tie painted on it! Nanc is in the same fix, we wash these clothes so much they are kind of falling apart. No sweat there is clothing for sale everywhere in the world.
     Talked to our kiddos today, always a banner day when we can catch up with their busy lives. Josh is in Colorado attending some classes for another week and then heads back to San Diego for his last couple months in the Marine Corp. I think his discharge day is the 27th...he is anxious to get out. Jess and the girls are happily parked in Monroe, LA. Grace and Madie both have school and dance keeping them busy...It seems like Jess has a full time job just carting them around. Lance is in Iraq working and will be home somewhere between Dec. 1 and Feb. 1...lots of different scenarios for him right now. They will have a great reunion when he gets back and they are all looking forward to that day. Everything else is cool in our lives...Mom is continuing to recover as are brothers John and Barry...all is good on the home front.
     Tomorrow is our half way point for Italy, the time is flying by. Come March next year we will be home, hard to believe all this might actually end, but we still have 5 awesome months ahead. In Italy we still have Venice, Florence, more time in Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Orvieto, Siena, Perugia and Asissi to visit, and this doesn’t include all the cool little villages we’ve found on our we have our lunch with Lucia to look forward to this main concern is having good weather for the next 45 days. After that we head to summer Down Under...good planning huh.
     Tomorrow we finish our plans and packing for Venice. I promise some great Pic’s from there.
     Ciao for now. 
Exploring the sites is exhausting!

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