Saturday, October 22, 2011

Marla Gregg

     Got some bad news a couple days ago...a lady named Marla Gregg who worked for me in Vegas passed away...she managed a store for me for years...very sad, Marla had a stroke a few years ago (maybe 2008), was partially paralyzed, blinded in one eye, unable to get around without a wheelchair, and had her speech effected to the point where it was very hard to understand what she was saying. I remember Marla fondly...she was about my age and a serious talker, she could turn a 10 minute conversation into an all day marathon. She was such a kind woman she was first in line to help anyone in need, she had her very elderly mother living with her until her stroke, at which point she couldn’t care for her anymore. Marla finally ended up moving to Texas (I believe) to be with family, I heard she insisted on moving back to Vegas about a year ago because she wanted her independence (even though she couldn’t really take care of herself)...somehow she pulled this off and moved, regrettably I never saw her up when she got back to town...I had really planned on getting together but kept putting it off and never found the time...too bad. Marla I will miss you, and I’m happy you passed through my life...I’m richer for it. R.I.P.

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