Sunday, October 9, 2011


Well, we did it, we drove to Rome...kind of. The day wasn’t quite that easy. We had wanted to get a early start so we set the alarm for 5:30...right...crawled out of bed about 7:30...the alarm had gone off, we just didn’t get up. No sweat...right...we have all day. We  snail crawl getting ready, and are out the door about...oh...9:30. Mapquest had promised us about 1 hour and 15 minutes to Rome...easy...right. It’s about a 60 mile drive, the first 50 went like clockwork then our first miscue, I missed a turn and ended up over shooting Rome by about 20 miles. No big deal...right... turned around and head back. Rome, like most cities, have one of those highways that circles the entire city, you can pick it up either direction...I decided I’d catch it the other way and just do a few turns backward...right...Can’t find my turnoff (lack of patience), so I make another wrong turn...right...Now I’m driving thru Rome with no idea which way is up, down, north, or south. Finally pull up to another car, roll down the window, and ask the guy which way is Rome centro...he points in the opposite direction I’m with a 50-50 chance to be going the right direction again I’ve picked wrong. Finally we are cruising down San Giovanni towards central Rome, only problem is we have absolutely no idea how far we need to go. Grasping at straws we see what look like some old building and point our little car in their direction. We drive by a pretty cool old church and a few other buildings so decide to park, but as always, finding parking is no easy task in Italy. After driving down a few streets we spy what looks like a parking lot...hurrah...we are here (somewhere). We collect our stuff, but instead of heading in the direction of the old buildings, we decide to get our bearings (so we don’t lose the car)...I see some steep steps about 4 blocks down and walk in that direction (this so I can keep track of where I’m at). We get to the steps, turn left, and there, unbelievably, right in front of us, is the Coliseum. Complete, undeniable dumb luck, with the emphasis on dumb!
     It is now 1:30...we did 60 miles in just around 4 hours! However long it took was worth it. The whole area is awesome...old, old, old...history oozes out of the very stones. The place is in great condition, and the whole area is still an archeological dig site. 
       Today is strictly a scouting trip, so we spend a couple hours looking around but leave the touring to next Monday...our plans are to come back ready to spend the whole day...they offer english language tours that are about 90 minutes long. And then there are so many other things to see in the area.
       Even with all the problems we had today, the good news is I have zero fear of driving in Rome. Driving is a much better alternative than the of the stations recently caught fire and the schedules are really screwed up. Now, we can plan as many trips into the city as we want and see all the things we want to see. 
       Oh yea...I got us lost again trying to find our way out...drove around the city for about an hour looking for a highway...I promised Nanc next time it would be easier...fingers crossed!   
Still working these sites.

A postcard scene

Think of who has walked these steps.

Thisplace is awesome.

Beautiful setting.

Perfect day, perfect sky.

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