Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Amelia e Orvieto

Countryside  in Amelia

Church of Orvieto

Clock Tower, Church and Tower of Orvieto

Civic Tower and Church of Amelia

Bell Tower Amelia

Countryside of Orvieto
     A day of driving. Today we took our little Mezzo-Otto (the name that fits our half Car) and toured the countryside. We spent most of the morning in Amelia, came home for lunch and then drove up to Orvieto. Alessio told me this was Harley Davidson country and man was he right. The road’s are filled with hills, turns and the most picturesque scenery you can imagine. Getting to the destination is half the fun.
      Amelia was founded, according to some historians, in 1134BC...yikes...we walked today where people have been walking for over 3000 years. If you’d like a little history on the area just google it and tons will come up. The walled city has 4 entrances, the most notable being the Porta Romana which is the most southern, the walls are 3 1/2 meters thick and run about 720 meters. When driving in from Alviano the city simply appears after turning a corner...and it is breathtaking, located on a high hill looking down over the Tiber valley. The old cathedral was built in 872 and the Civic Tower has a stone placed towards the bottom, with an inscription, and dated 1050...when I say this place is old I mean OLD.
     After Amelia you would think whatever we did would be a little second rate...not today...Orvieto is every bit if not more beautiful. We only had 3 or 4 hours to wonder around and didn’t touch what there is to do and see. We did however see the most amazing church either of us has ever seen, if there is one more beautiful in all of Italy we can’t wait to see it. We are planning another full day in the next week or so. Someone told us the underground caverns are amazing and they offer an English speaking guide twice a day. This is something we want to do.
     The drive was just as cool as the cities...we saw scores of castle and are adding these spots to our to-do list...with only 57 days left we may have to scramble to get everything done just around Umbria...then of course we want to go to Rome, Florence, Venice, the Amalfi Coast...OK STOP...one day at a time!

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