Friday, October 28, 2011

I love Italy...but

Why is there no soft bread here...nothing, nada...don’t they like the French?
Where are the little hot bell peppers all the Italian joints gave us with our meals when I was young? They don’t even have them in the stores.
I thought they were Hot Italian Peppers?
Why do motorcyclist get to drive with no laws...not almost no laws...NO LAWS!
How come police stop you for no reason other than, “A Contollo”, and when you tell them you “Parlo poco Italiano”, they just wave you’d think we were who they were looking for!
Why is there always (and I mean always) one lady outside every major church or monument, prostate on the ground, begging??? In America if that worked, we’d have a hundred at every one.
Why do tour directors claim they save you hours standing in line, when they have you walk here and wait, walk there and wait, get in line, now get in this line, now one last time walk here...and have just spent 2 1/2 hours walking and waiting...and they’ve offered you a 3 hour tour...yikes, what a scam. Educate yourself before going to places and save your cash, I promise you are not going to be happy with these people.
Why do some joints charge a Coperto and some don’t. A Coperto is a charge that covers linen, tablecloths, really just about just shows up on your bill...I asked one guy if they charge a service charge or coperto and he assured me they didn’t and when the bill arrived they had charged a 12% service charge...when you ask them to explain they forget all their english skills. I’d like to see the American restaurants start charging a “just because charge”, and remember, this can be for any amount!
Why does everyone own a washer that does 1/2 the load of laundry but takes 3 times the amount of time to do it? Crazy!
How come the people who check you out at the Grocery stores, sit on a stool, they give you zero help bagging your groceries and don’t even have to know the produce prices because you have to do this when you pick them up...when they are done with you and if your not done bagging yet, they just move a device on the check counter that isolates your groceries from the next guys. There is no waiting at have to pick up the pace.
Why do you have to move the dial on your furnace from SUN to SNOWFLAKE to make your heater work...this is not on the temperature gauge but inside the furnace itself.
Why aren’t vitamins for sale at the grocery stores? 
Why is there virtually zero diet food available...and not a lot of fat people?
Why aren’t there glasses (drinking glasses) larger than 8 oz....go ahead look...there are none.
Why can’t you officially take flash pictures in the Sistine Chapel...most of those in the room are foreigners and don’t understand the rules...I would guess out of the 1000 people in the room 500 were snapping pictures, with the flash on. Nuts!
Still haven’t bought Peanut Butter, but I did find some in Venice...only problem was the shop was closed...why?  because it was Wednesday??

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