Sunday, October 9, 2011

Autumn, Our Flat and Church.

Autumn is definitely in the air...brrr...cold day, lots of clouds, and wind. We had planned a nature walk at the bird sanctuary, but 86’d the idea because it was to cold. We better get use to it, it’s not going away. Temps are running 12 at night and 22 during the day...those are celsius so for you fahrenheiter’s out there, maybe 54 at night and 72 during the felt much colder than that with the wind.
       Our afternoon was spent driving to Orvieto, we needed to resupply a few groceries before our major shopping on tuesday.
       It hasn’t taken long for us to totally settle into Alviano, not only have we have learned the routes to almost everywhere, found a grocer we like, made friends who can’t speak a word of english, but we’ve also fallen in love with our flat. Nanc was telling me today that for her, life is full of trade offs...our last place was awesome, we had a lanai, BBC on the tele, lots of restaurants within a few meters walk and lots of english speaking tourist to chat with everyday. Here we have a ceiling that we never hit our head on, a bed big enough for two and a real stand up shower with actual hot water. You have to know the bed and shower trump all that other stuff. We may be the only tourist in town and live in the boonies, but we sleep like babes, have no bruises on our heads and smell like is good.
       Tomorrow, weather permitting we head back to Rome for a long day of seeing the sites. We should be able to see most everything in close proximity to the Colloseum, have a little lunch, and still be home by dinner. We are shooting for an early start, but you know how that goes. 
       Off the subject...which means I’m going to change it...It is amazing to me to be in a place that almost everyone agrees with a single idea of religion, this place must be 99.9% catholic. Last night about 7:30 Nanc and I were sitting at the square when every soul who lives close by came to town to go to church. There wasn’t a parking place to be had. When they all got settled into church, it was me, Nanc and a couple of other guys left (I think both of them went to church this morning). And then again this morning same thing....big crowd...and tonight some kind of pot luck or something in the castle, which I’m sure was sponsored by the church. Something big was going on, we saw a couple of old guys dressed in Red with hats...not sure what they are but they sure look fancy. Anyway, if your looking for agreement on religion, here is where you’ll find it. In my neighborhood in Colorado we have 7 or 8 different types of Christian churches...all the same...not really. All of them have differing beliefs,customs and dogma they follow. It is truly astounding all these people are on the same page.
       Tonight we talked to our daughter Jessica and Nanc talked to her sister Marsha. The Telestial international phone we bought has already paid for itself, if someone calls us we only pay .35 a call and .19 cents a minute (so we have all our contacts call us - no charge to them).  I think the phone was only $99 and we are only charged for calls as we make in Italy, Australia and New Zealand...perfect. The mobile service for the internet is a bit quirky, but very low priced...we bought the equipment for $59euros and pay $15euros a month towards service (unlimited), and again no contract...when your on a trip like this it’s nice to stay in touch with family and with these programs even affordable.
       Tonight the girl and I are sitting quietly, listening to the Moody Blues, she is reading while I type away...this is one of those nights to remember. 
Relaxed and adjusting to Italian life.

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