Saturday, October 29, 2011

I Hate Wells Fargo!!!

Wells Fargo is driving me nuts...we got an alert from them because I purchased tickets from Auckland to Honolulu (even though they have my itinerary), I called them to check it out...the customer service guy promised me their was absolutely no problem and everything would be taken care of...yea up this morning heading to Orvieto and wanted to get a pocket of fun go bucko...the ATM informs me to call my bank...OK, maybe the Alviano ATM is owned by some second rate company that hasn’t got the heads up yet, we’ll just get cash in over (30km), pay to park (7Euros), get to the big city ATM and...again we are shutout...whats that saying, NO Cash, No I can’t get the stupid phone to work because we didn’t actually plug it in last night (when we plugged it in) we get back in the car, drive back to Alviano, plug the phone in, wait an hour to make sure we have juice, call Wells Fargo and speak with a very nice young lady who seems very efficient, she apologizes for any inconvenience, does her magic and promises me alls well...I insist she guarantees that when I walk down to the ATM, I’ll walk away with cash, she gives me an Ironclad Guarantee...I walk down to get the cash and...Grrrrrr... again ShutOut!!! Now I’m beginning to get mad...Frickin phone, now the frickin bank! I call back (this is all costing me money) and get to talk to Jose’ who puts me on hold and then hangs up, Grrrrrrrr....I call back again and this time I get I insist on speaking with a supervisor, David puts me on a long hold, comes back on to tell me his supervisor is there and is just booting up her computer, he then puts me on forever hold and then, some unfortunate lady picks up the phone, because by now I’m boiling...I get ready to blow my stack when she informs me the call was just forwarded to her in the Credit Dept., Incompetent F*#/% Bank, Grrrrr...thank god she finally got me to the right I’m taking to Ginger who informs me the fraud dept. is just opening for the day and as soon as she can she’ll get one of them on the line...tick tock...10 minutes later she comes back on and wants to know if I’m in close proximity to an ATM, Are you kidding I’m in a frickin Medieval Village, but I tell her I can walk down to the square while we talk (I’m not letting her off the line)...half way there I drop the call....I COULD SCREAM!!! I head to the ATM thinking maybe they had fixed it anyway, I put my card in and my phone rings??? Ginger is calling me back (Shocking)...she stays on the phone while my transaction goes through, like Magic...I tell her “I Love Her” and hang up...We Are Back In The Chips and it only took 2 1/2 hours, all my patience, and probably $100 worth of phone calls...So I now officially HATE WELLS FARGO!!! 
     Cancelled the rest of the day to let my heart calm down...we’ll try this again tomorrow.

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