Sunday, October 16, 2011

Getting Lost on purpose...

 On the way back from Perugia today we decided to get lost on purpose...we picked an exit and just drove...Italy is not that big, sooner or later your bound to recognize a name or something and find your way home...the tour we got, you can’t book or make reservations for...just a drive thru the country with no time constraints or objective. There is so much here to see you really just need to get out into it. For awhile we were down to a single lane dirt road, real country. We have friends who’ve seen Italy from the seat of a bike...I guarantee they see more of the country than you can see from a tour bus on the highway. I know I’ve said this before, but this whole area is one big postcard and every corner begs you to take a picture. So let’s see, we love 5terre by the sea, we love Umbria and it’s patchwork countryside, and we love Rome with it’s amazing history and sites. Can’t wait to see Venice Tuesday and add it to my, “Love” column.
       Tonight we eat Italian style...pasta, sausage, insalate mista and olives (with the seed)...a little vino and we should be in heaven. Right now I’m sitting here with a Vodka Tonic listening to Keane on my Ipod...tell me your Saturday evening is this good.
       When we originally set up our itinerary the only fear we had was allocating too much time to Italy... funny...the truth is you could spend all 6 months (overseas) here and still have things you want to do. A good friend, who travels here often, calls it the place with perfect balance...simplicity of life, yet all the art, beauty and style imaginable. It’s very possible these Italians have figured out how to live.
       You want to know how relaxed I’ve become...last night I crawled into bed and my dear wife says, “Honey, you really should take off your glasses before going to sleep”, yes she is still a smart ass. My reply should have been, “I can see better in my dreams with them on”...who knows? Ciao. 
we don't even know where this is

love this building

nancys new house

very country

beautiful scene

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