Saturday, October 22, 2011

Giove, groceries and the Locales.

Giove from the road.

Countryside on the way to Giove

Outside town

A fixer upper

Quiet day on the Italian Front. Woke up late and freezing in our medieval home...brrrrr. Not sure what kind of heat we have here, but after a little tinkering I was quite sure it wasn’t working. Since we arrived we’ve noticed it is cold inside most of the time, we just put it down to drafty old construction...we have been dutifully moving the temperature down to 18C at night and back to 21C when we were home...we have been doing this for 3 weeks and didn’t give it a second thought. Before writing to Alessio (our landlord) I decided to investigate a little further the bathroom there is this, for want of a better name, gadget...this thing controls water temperature and god know what else in this place. I removed the panel and was faced with lots of Italian Instructions and some symbols representing the sun, snowflakes and temp. fluctuations, as well as the on/off universal symbol...Everything looked right to my untrained eye...the setting was on the sun and temp settings were maxed...I decided to send Alessio an email and see if he could figure this out from across the ocean. The response we got just made us we’ve been conserving power by changing the temp. setting, noticing its always cold and not putting 2 and 2 together...the heat hasn’t been on since we got here...go ahead and laugh...all I had to do was move the setting from Sun to Snowflake (which represents winter thus activating the heater), and the “gadget” starting kicking out heat...we are now perfectly warm and toasty in our medieval shack...thanks Alessio, but you could have told me this when we got here.
View from the Park in Giove

Stairs down from the Park

Local Residence

Very funky little place

These places just pop up.

One armed bandit at Sepi arm though.

A new point of sale advertisement at Sepi Bar/Grill/Coffe House/ Meeting Place/ Ticket Office and Lottery Hdqtrs
     We were out of groceries and decided a run to Narni Scala was definitely in order...decided to take the scenic route (which is everywhere you go), and go thru Giove, a small, cool looking little village. We stopped and took some killer pictures from a little park under the castle that has a view to die for. These little spots (villages, towns) are unbelievably beautiful and unspoiled...they are way off the beaten track and just exist as they have for generations...just like our little Alviano. After shopping we heading home, put away the food, and headed down to The Sepi Bar for a cold day Cappuccino and to catch up on our email (much better signal there)...we also enjoy watching the locales as they watch us. Some people are starting to get use to us after a month, while others are still being cautious...its really something to see. They don’t even pretend their not watching us, they openly stare and their eyes follow us everywhere we go no matter what we do. I keep telling Nancy it’s because they think I’m some old “Rock Star” and they just can’t figure who I am. Yes, if they ask I’ll give autograph’s, but only with my alias, “Roger Paddock”. We will be the talk of this place way after we leave...I can hear them saying "remember those 2 old hippies, I still can’t figure what they was doing here"! Funny.

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