Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sydney to Melbourne

On the 17th after a final day at sea we made port in up early , and after a final meal with our new friends we collected our luggage and walked around the quay to the train station and then out to the airport...being in a English speaking Nation makes everything so easy. We had about 3 hours to kill so I updated this blog, posted some pics on facebook and chatted with a couple (leaving on the same flight) that we had meant onboard. The flight was without incidence and after collecting our bags walked out and meant up with Vee Taylor...this woman hasn't changed a whit in 16 years, same great smile and twinkle in her eyes...a very nice reunion. She gave us the 10 cent tour of Melbourne on the ride in and after stopping for a drink along the bay, we made it to her house, and our home for the next 10 days. We were introduced to Ken (Vee's partner) and settled in for great conversation, not only to catch up but many topics of local and personal interest. Vee has the Xmas tree up so we have a little holiday cheer to enjoy. A couple of beers and some good chinese food and the end of another day on the road. We are very happy to be here and look forward to exploring Melbourne.

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