Tuesday, December 27, 2011


V and her missing glasses...too funny!
     So let me set this up for you...we drive 1 1/2 hours down to Wilson Prom for a day of hiking and enjoying nature, we pull up and park at Picnic Bay for the hike over to Squeaky Beach...we pile out of the car, get our packs set up and filled with suntan lotion, water, raingear and this, that and the other...we are finally ready to hit the road and Vee can't find her sunglasses...the day is getting bright and shades are a must...she had them on during the ride down so where could they have gotten to??? Looked and looked and looked...absolutely no sign...we checked everywhere at least 3 times...finally I pulled out another set of glasses and offered them to her...we all shook our heads over the case of the missing glasses but didn't want to spend any more of our day looking...we then spent hours hiking and exploring...finally get back to the car...put our packs away and Vee takes off her sun hat...mystery of the missing glasses solved...she had put her glasses on top of her head, slipped on her hat and then spend the day wondering where they were...These blondes will drive you crazy!

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