Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Peanut Butter...yah

 I can’t believe our luck, today we drove over to Narni Scala to look for a couple of wine glasses we need to replace at Alessio’s. We’d been by this huge store a number of times and were unsure exactly what they carried...we had thought maybe it was something like a Costco and hoped wine glasses would be available...the store ended up being the largest grocery store we’ve seen in all of Italy (located in little Narni Scala - makes no sense) we walked around in amazement Nancy spied, are you ready...Peanut Butter...yes the search is over...straight from the Netherlands, “Calve‘ Peanut Butter” hardly made it home before we tried it...a little grainy but totally tasty...creamy not crunchy (like I prefer), but this is no time to be picky. We have been driving past this place for 6 weeks and never dreamed it was a grocery store...yikes. Now we can put PB and J’s back in the diet. Yea!    
Funny thing to explanation.
Straight from the Netherlands...

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