Sunday, November 13, 2011

Once more into Rome...

11/11 Rome
     Rome is the coolest city, I never tire of just wandering around and seeing the sites. The drive in this morning was pretty easy and only about 2 hours. Parked and headed out around the Colosseum, through the Piazza Venezia, quick stopped at 3 or 4 church’s along Via Del Corso and finally arrived at the Piazza del Popolo. What an excellent way to spend a morning. After a short stop at Santa Maria del Miracoli, and the museum just inside the arch, we headed up the stairs and climbed to the Piazza Napoleone...and the fantastic view of the Popolo Square below. Took lots of pictures of the city and then enjoyed walking through the Borghese Park and grounds.
     We were so close to all the action but it was quiet, relaxing and a wonderfully natural setting. It would be so easy to just sit and enjoy the day...we, however, had more fish to fry. We decided to have lunch at Navona Square and then stop by the Pantheon on our way to Isola Tiberina. 
     We wanted to scout the Trastevere area before our next time in town. We read somewhere that this was the area of Rome you should spend time in to get a authentic sense of old Rome, and a good meal. We crossed the Ponte Fabricius bridge (built in 62 B.C. and still intact today), and spent a little time on the island. The day was running out so we headed back to the area just SW of the Colosseum where we park. Now for my drag race back to Alviano...Vrooooom! 
     Tomorrow they are predicting rain so we have a off day, sleep in, late breakfast and then in the afternoon our next to last grocery shopping day. We added a couple days onto Positano so we are leaving Alviano on the 25th instead of the 27th...
Rome's finest...on horseback.

This guy got the whole block goin.

This little beauty was in a church!

OK, but only in blue.

Largo Argentino...3rd century BC

A perfect fit with mumbling Elvis.

Piazza del Papolo

The Tibur River.

Piazza Napoleono

Beautiful art in every church.

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