Saturday, November 5, 2011

Italian holidays and a little updating on the wardrobe.

We enjoyed a quiet day today, the weather was overcast with a chance of rain, so we decided a day of relaxation was in order. Our only planned activity was driving to Narni Scala to pick up a weeks worth of groceries, and then Veg. Just so you know, this holiday were on isn’t about eating out everyday, in fact, we cook in much more than we eat at restaurants. We have a favorite market and are even getting to know the Italian brands and different products, this day to day existence may be the real test of feeling settling into Italy. One surprise today at the store, I saw a huge Lime, it looked like a grapefruit??? Didn’t buy one, too big for my vodka tonic and otherwise, I wouldn’t know what to do with it. 
    As we were leaving the village this morning we noticed a huge crowd  at the square, there was a speaker on a mic and tons of flowers placed around the WWI and WWII monuments, it looked like the whole town was there...earlier we had seen every kid in the village walking to the castle, they all had balloons and Italian flags? We looked up the date on our trusty computer and found its another holiday, I think kind of like the 4th of let’s see...the 31st was Halloween, the 1st was All Saints Day, the 2nd was All Souls Day, on the 3rd (a Thursday) our favorite restaurant was closed and now on the 4th its the 4th of July...this is like a holiday everyday...wonder whats scheduled for tomorrow?
     Days like today, give us a great chance to discuss on all we’ve seen and done in the last 4 months...what a trip! We talked about all the great things we saw in the US, and fantastic month we spent in the 5terre and now all these little villages, Rome, Venice and even more ahead...we are so just 3 weeks we leave Alviano, heading to the Amalfi Coast for 3 days, then a night in Rome and on the 1st a very long flight to Sydney, Australia. We catch a flight to Dubai which takes about 5 hours, and then one to Sydney, with a stop in Bangkok, that takes a little over 15 hours...leave Rome at 9pm on the 1st and get into Sydney at 9am on the if my math is right its a 20 hour flight that takes a day and a half...time zones are a bitch, and then we throw in the international date line...and yes we’ve actually lost the 2nd of December somewhere?...Not to worry we get it back heading to Hawaii, in fact, I believe we get to Hawaii before we leave New Zealand...Crazy!
     When we get to Australia we need to do some upgrading on our wardrobes...after 4 months of washing, wearing and washing, wearing our clothing is looking a little worse for wear. We definitely need to pick-up some replacement pieces before boarding the cruise ship. I’m looking very ragtag (just look at the pictures closely). 
     But even in ragged clothing we love our lives everyday, of course the truth is I’ve always loved my life, this is just more fun.
Another holiday gathering

Alviani...a special moment.

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