Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks.

So much to give thanks for...where to start on this impossible task...
     Our great family...this includes “tough as nails” brother Barry, Nancy’s brother John and sister Marsha, and all their families...our wonderful children Joshua and Jessica...and of course all our beautiful, talented and gifted grandchildren. 
     Having the Guts to take this was the perfect advise to everyone...go spend your money and do the things you’ve always dreamed of. Life should always hold the excitement of what’s around the next bend.
     All my senses...I’m thankful to feel, taste, smell, hear and see all the life around me. Our world is magical and should be enjoyed.
      My education and understanding of the world...the times we live in are amazing. I’ve had the best life during what I consider the best of times in the best country ever conceived by man...I know during this time there have been many injustices and hardships but they have never touched me. 
     My wife of 40 years who has taught me about love, patience and what caring for others looks like. I am a better man for it, if not perfect...remember I’m still evolving.
     My prosperity and good fortune throughout my life. Right place at the right time Roger...that’s me...but I also had to work to have success.
     For me it’s not hard to think of what I’m thankful for, it’s just that there is so let me think of a way to say it that will save a little time.......Thanks for everybody, everything and everywhere I have ever experienced or known. Thanks for all things big and small and wide and deep, all things black or white or grey, and every day of my life from the first to this one.

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