Sunday, November 13, 2011

The many sites of Rome.

11/10 Rome
     Our days are now being weather driven...checked the 10 day forecast and scheduled Rome for back to backs (the day after Florence). Much easier to spend a nice day in Rome than a cold, windy and rainy one. The only hard part of this schedule is the driving...maybe 5 hours a day (depending on Rome traffic), for 3 days in a row...I know it doesn’t sound bad, but these Italians have turned driving into a full contact sport...with Rome as the Super Bowl. Today was my 5th trip into the city and I believe I now drive as crazy as any of them!
     Lots and lots of walking...just strolling through Rome. We started at the Baths of Caracalla, then checked out the Porto of Paolo, the Pyramid (tomb of Caius Cestius), The most excellent Basillica of St. Paul and finally the Circo Massimo. 
     All very entertaining but a couple were outstanding, the Bath’s of Caracalla are huge and, considering it’s stood since the early 3rd century, in wonderful condition. It must have been something to behold in it’s day...they say it could accommodate 1600 people at one time, like I said gigantic. The Circo Massimo likewise was awesome in it’s day, you can picture sitting on the hill and watching the chariots roar around the track, what a sight! The place could hold 300,000 and I’m sure was a sellout most days the games were held. 
     But, most amazing for me today was something you shouldn’t miss if ever you visit Rome, the Basilica of Saint is Grand with a capital G. The place is a little off the beaten track, Nanc and I had to walk a couple miles to see it but it was worth every step. Much different than most of the big church’s, sort of simple but not really, less like a museum kind of, hard to put your finger on why its so incredible...go see it and we can discuss what we both think. 
     Finally...I am becoming something of an expert on Churches and after seeing St. Paul’s today I’ve decided this one is definitely in the top 5 or 6, no question. I think the creme de la creme are (in no particular order):
St. Peters Basilica, Vatican
St. John’s Lateran Basilica
St. Paul Basilica, Rome
St. Marks (Venice)
The Cathedral of Florence, Santa Marie di Fiore
     The Cathedral of Siena, di Santa Marie Assunta
There is no arguing allowed with my choices, but do remember there are 10’s of 1000’s of churches I haven’t seen yet, so I could be mistaken by 1 or 2.
War memorial. Wish ours was this small.

So out of place.

A portrait of every Pope is inside St. Paul's...1st is Peter on the left.

Just breathtaking.

So many columns...this is the central Nave.

Baths of Caracalla

Stood for 1800 years.

Across the naves at St. Pauls

Circo Massimo.

The tomb of St Paul.

Porto of St Paolo

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