Monday, November 14, 2011

Good days...

     Today was another down day...well that sounds kind of bad...Ok, what I mean is, we slept in late, had a late breakfast, didn’t rush around doing anything, had lunch in our flat, read books, got caught up on the computer and just kind of hung out...yea... that sounds better.
     When your on the road for so long, and trying to pile as much as you can into a day, these off days, where you get a break, are wonderful. 
      We did venture as far as Sepi’s bar for a Cappucinno and found the same old characters hanging around...if nothing else these people are consistent. However, there was lots of activity around the village, not only was it Sunday, but the Olives are coming in fast and furious and the Olive Oil processing plant always has 6 or 7 cars parked out looks like they store a lot of the oil in a storage area in the village because I’ve seen guys hauling in big containers that look like they hold liquid and weigh a ton. Real Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil...COOL. 
     Tomorrow is another of these relaxing “down days” and we’ll be at it...not very early. The weather looks like it will hold for the next week which is good...we have Rome on our agenda for Tuesday and Thursday...we are definitely coming to the end of being able to say, “let’s go into Rome today” bad, there is so much to do and see there, I never tire of it.

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