Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last day in Positano.

     Last day in Positano, tomorrow we head for Rome, spend the night and then it's off to Sydney, Australia...we love going from International location to International location, now we feel like real world travelers...Nanc and I  had a wonderful time in Italy, so happy we finished in Positano, in a short 5 day stay we had a chance to visit, Pompei, Capri and the Amalfi Coast...all three belong on a "must do" list for all travelers. Tonight we had our last meal at Mediterraneo and it was terrific.
great restaurant

Love the tile work

So inviting to go in.

A small village can be made to look like a big city.

Wall mossaic

Tried to go for lunch...closed.

No crowd today...

Their Logos Rock.

Me at anchor.

Church by the sea.

Nice sunny day.

Positano is beautiful.

This shop wins most colorful in all of Italy (my vote).
     I am psyched to head down under...1st off, it's summer...so now my wardrobe will be correct again...2nd) I have to admit it will be good being back in a english speaking nation and 3rd) everybody loves the Aussie's and OZ...a friendly, funny and lovable group they are...a couple days in Sydney to get warmed up and then we take an 11 day cruise up the east coast...layin by the pool and drinking Fosters...not bad mate!


          As we entered the ruins my first thought was how big it looked, and then you start walking and walking and walking...the area is huge...they have actually excavated an entire city...public places, gov't offices, businesses, temples and residences. It's incredible that what you see was built 2000 years ago and then you think of the people that inhabitat the buildings. How terrified they must have been when Visuvious started spewing her deadly ash and throwing off her stones and lava. The ruins are remarkable, there are places it looks could be made habitable by a small amout of work, for instance, the baths look almost as they did on that fateful day in 79AD...unbelieveable. The amphitheatre (built 80 BC) which could hold 20,000 people looks like it could be used today...it is believed to be the 1st theater of it's kind in existence...the Palaestra is in such good shape it looks like it is used for some current events.
The Forum and Basilica of Pompei.

Jupiter's Temple.

The Amphitheatre

Think of all the people who lost their lives in this Arena...Peace

Made of marble...totally intact...used in restaurants I believe.

Private residences were richly decorated...

Lining the Forum right in front of the Comitium.

The Forum baths

In the Arena.

The Palaestra

Outside the Amphitheatre

Looking towards the Temple of Apollo from the Forum.
     Italy has been wonderful, every time you visit some new place it quickly becomes your favorite...in 3 months we have seen and done a lot, but haven't really scratched the surface...I will say this, if your going to Italy and you miss the ruins of Pompei you should kick yourself...where else on earth can you see a whole city excavated and alive again after 20 Centuries.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Ceramic signs are everywhere...nice touch.

If you walk down to the pier by way of the streets you come across this??? Looks like it should be on Route 66 in the 50's!

The view!

A little soda and pizza.

The main gathering point of Capri from below on the street.

Gone Tanning...wish I'd thought of that.

The place was empty of tourist.

Who wouldn't be enticed into this restaurant...Capri Moon. 

Our ferry back to Sorrento.

Just a reminder not to drive your car off the pier into the ocean!

How much would it cost to live here???

The tallest cactus I have ever seen...it reaches about 4 stories (50 feet)...it's massive.
Playground of the rich, famous and now the Paddock's...caught the ferry out of Sorrento about 9:30 and landed in Capri at 10...the place is gorgeous from the very 1st glimpse...no plans, no tours, just a nice day roaming around the city and enjoying ourselves. We decided to walk up to the city center, a very serious hike...the reward once you reach the main Piazza is a view that you'll never forget...the Grand Harbor for lack of a better word is, "Grand". At the center of the action we sat and enjoyed a Cappucinno and watched all the people...fun stuff, even in the off season this spot is hopping. In late November Capri is way out of season and a large portion of the businesses and hotels are closed, we walked down lanes that were completely empty except us. I bet in the season there are huge crowds everywhere. The hotels and restaurants are charming, and the shops are quaint and funky. This whole area in Italy feels very rich, in Positano the owner of the B and B we are staying in told us out of 20 businesses down in the hip section of town by the beach, 18 owners have closed for the season and are spending the winter in Thailand...90%...I thought it seemed a little closed up. In Capri we came across a store with a sign in the window that said, "Gone Tanning". Business must be good when it's there. Anyway, we had a nice stroll through the city, took lots of pictures and had lunch at a small cafe on the harbor, a little pizza and soda. Capri is exactly what I'd pictured, hip, beautiful and picturesque...next time we'll come in the summer.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Amalfi...a long and winding road.

Today we climbed aboard a bus and took the coastal road to Amalfi...what a hair raising trip. These roads are so narrow and there are so many switchbacks it took us 1 hour to go 17 Km (a little over 10 miles)...yes that’s 10mph! Ahhh but the views are awesome. If the bus windows hadn’t been so dirty I could have shot 300 pictures in that 10 miles. Everything is so vivid...the color of the water in places is emerald, the sky is deep blue, the clouds are bright white and the greens on the mountain are every shade imaginable. 
     We got off at the last stop which is this wonderful square that doubles as a bus station...the place is in chaos, there is so much life and excitement it is thrilling. This place is actually alive. I mean with all the people and cars and talking and walking and waving and the birds and boats and motorscooters and old men fishing and strolling and everybody eating and drinking and chatting and laughing...WOW. This was a most Excellent Day.      
    On the way home we had all the High School students on the bus with us...very interesting. So much overload for us...remember we just spent 2 months in Alviano...quiet, tame, slow motion Alviano. We need to pick it up if this is the real pace of life, today all we could do was stare. We’ll practice again tomorrow when we drive to Sorrento and catch the bus to Capri.
Best tree ever.

Love the water.

This doubles as the bus station...great Station.

The buildings look like they are built into the mountain.

The day was Fabulous.

Pinch me...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Positano by Mapquest.

Right on the main road...no turns at all!

1st glimpse of Positano

Sky and water are the perfect color

An Italian Pyramid.

The Happy Campers.
So funny...we got all set to travel to Positano...even hand copied directions from Mapquest so they'd be at our fingertips...as always we made it 99% of the way without a hitch...that 1% can be a bitch...lost in places we don't even know...stopped and talk to 6 different Italians who all pointed, grunted and sent us on our way...we must of overshot our turn by 30 Km...The last guy said something about sinistra and then sinistra again...luckily sinistra is one of the few words I know...turn left! Took his advise and finally saw a sign and got on track...now we pull out the directions because we are unsure of exactly where we are...drive and keep following signs, check directions...we should have like 15 different turns coming up because we landed on the road we'd missed...just keep driving, no turns just signs...pull into Positano and, Voila! we see the sign for our hotel...I can't believe it, if you'd seen the directions we got from mapquest...remember there is only 1 road into Positano, you can come from the west or east...either way we would have driven right by the hotel...I'm baffled where all these turns would have led us!

Moving On...

      Leaving Alviano...after 2 months I can’t say I’m not ready to move onto something new, but the time here, even lacking village excitement, was great...imagine living in a place with only 1 restaurant thats open on Saturday and Sunday night only, where the streets roll up about 9pm and there is no one who speaks your language...now imagine no television or dvd’s or theater’s...we have been forced to remember how to relax and enjoy the simple things in life (which was one of the points to this holiday). I may be ready for something new but I will always cherish these 2 months of the laid back easy life. Using Alviano for a base was perfect...we have seen, visited and explored over 25 cities, towns and villages...hit Rome 6 times, Venice for 3 days and Florence. We’ve seen the most famous Ruins in the world, the largest Christian churches ever built, and some of the most renowned art work in human history. Yes, the little village of Alviano might have been boring but it was the portal to awesome sites.
     Tomorrow morning we drive down the coast to Positano, with only 1 week left in Italy we hopefully have time to explore Pompei, Capri and the Amalfi Coast. We are staying at a B and B situated on the cliffs above the Mediterranean and our room has a private terrace overlooking the water. It is about a 4 hour drive so we are getting an early start. 
     So goodbye to Alviano and today and hello to what lies ahead.       

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks.

So much to give thanks for...where to start on this impossible task...
     Our great family...this includes everyone...my “tough as nails” mother...my brother Barry, Nancy’s brother John and sister Marsha, and all their families...our wonderful children Joshua and Jessica...and of course all our beautiful, talented and gifted grandchildren. 
     Having the Guts to take this Holiday...it was the perfect time...my advise to everyone...go spend your money and do the things you’ve always dreamed of. Life should always hold the excitement of what’s around the next bend.
     All my senses...I’m thankful to feel, taste, smell, hear and see all the life around me. Our world is magical and should be enjoyed.
      My education and understanding of the world...the times we live in are amazing. I’ve had the best life during what I consider the best of times in the best country ever conceived by man...I know during this time there have been many injustices and hardships but they have never touched me. 
     My wife of 40 years who has taught me about love, patience and what caring for others looks like. I am a better man for it, if not perfect...remember I’m still evolving.
     My prosperity and good fortune throughout my life. Right place at the right time Roger...that’s me...but I also had to work to have success.
     For me it’s not hard to think of what I’m thankful for, it’s just that there is so much...so let me think of a way to say it that will save a little time.......Thanks for everybody, everything and everywhere I have ever experienced or known. Thanks for all things big and small and wide and deep, all things black or white or grey, and every day of my life from the first to this one.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Even had to watch the mirrors so they wouldn't hit.

     Today we got a little bored doing nothing and took a drive to Orte, maybe 30 minutes away. Orte is one of those great old villages, built at the very top of a steep hill, protected by cliffs on all sides...it reminds me of Orvieto the way the road winds up and around. It’s pretty good sized and is situated on the main road from Rome to Florence. We pass it every time we visit Rome and, without fail, I always say we are going to come and see it. So here we are on a rainy day. With the rain I didn’t want to park down below the town and walk up so we took the steep, narrow road to the top. The village is laid out with only one way  streets...so its in one way and out another. There is a little parking scattered haphazardly here, there and everywhere. Remember we are driving our Fiat Punto, a very small narrow car. This drive was a nightmare, we saw no open parking places, and besides the very few open areas (filled with parked cars), we drove down a lane almost the exact width of our car, this was a real gauntlet and called for very precise turns and driving. When we meant a pedestrian they had to stop and hug the wall so we could get by. There were at least 3 occasions when I thought I might have to back up through the whole town because I couldn’t get around parked cars or buildings. As your driving the only thing you see is walls, everything is so tall and tight it just becomes a maze. Thankfully there was an end to this maze, I was so happy to see daylight and space. After taking a deep breath and dislodging my frozen fingers from around the steering wheel, I turned to Nanc and said, “we are not doing that again”. Boredom seemed a better alternative than a nervous breakdown, so we headed home

Monday, November 21, 2011


We are aware that Thanksgiving is on Thursday and I am dying for a regular Thanksgiving meal, we spent time online trying to find a place in Rome, Orvieto or Terni where we could go and dine on Turkey and the fixins...only found one place in Rome and it was 1)way to swanky for our current wardrobes and 2) so absolutely overpriced, I choked when I saw what they wanted. But my SMARTASS wife came along to save the day, as she often does. She came up with the following menu:
Breakfast - Buon Giorno-this morning we will be serving a wonderful Cappuccino with Sweet Grapefruit and a fresh slice of Toasted Pan Bauletto Intefrale!
Lunch - Indulge in delicious Bruschette Pomadoro on freshly baked Pane and all the Sacla‘ Olivoli you care for!
Dinner - The evening meal will surely replace your craving for Turkey...the kitchen is offering Minestrone e Tonno al Naturale on Pane e Insalata Mista. 
The translation for you non Italian speakers is: 
Breakfast - Coffee, Grapefruit and Toast
Lunch - Toast with tomatoes on top, and all the olives you can eat.
Dinner - Vegetable Soup, Tuna Sandwich, and a salad.
THIS DOES NOT REPLACE THANKSGIVING...but it sure made me laugh!