Monday, July 18, 2011

Take me out to the Ballgame...what memories!

We arrived in San Diego just in time to go watch a Little League Baseball Game...see if you can follow this. My son's second wife's, ex husband's, sister's son (cousins to her children, my step grand children) was playing in a game this evening. For those of you that do not know, I was a very successful Little League baseball coach, in fact I was famous in a very small section of Billings, Montana during the 1983 season. My son's team coached by none other than me, was the league champion that year. So not only do I love Little League but I really know the game (at least as it was played in 1983). We found our seats in the bleachers and spent 2 1/2 hours yelling for our team and at the umpires...alas the boys lost 9-8 in a thriller but I think I've found my next career...what do you think about.....Coach Roger Paddock....Nancy would run the cheer squad. Now I just need to find a team and start negotiations. What a great night we had. My son Josh always finds the coolest things to do (maybe he could be my assistant).

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