Sunday, July 17, 2011

Goodbye Sun City

Tomorrow we leave Sun City, my mom and my budding bingo career. Tough to leave with Lenny just out of the hospital but he's looking better, getting around pretty good and sounds like he'll fight hard to retain his health. It's sad to say goodbye to my mom, she is the toughest little Italian woman there is. Today we went for breakfast at JiMicheal's and had dinner at The Elephant Bar. Joining us for dinner were Bob, Angie (of bingo fame) and Marilyn, 3 of my mother and Lenny's best friends. Very nice, interesting people. I have always thought that seniors in this country were treated as irrelevant and now I understand it even less...these people are great to hang with, they know how to have fun and possess more wisdom in their pinkie than any 30 year old! As melancholy as our departure is we look forward to San Diego, our son Josh, and a little faster pace. Viva San Diego!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Pops,
    We are looking forward to seeing you on your second leg of the trip. We love you both!

    Josh and family.
