Thursday, July 14, 2011


The good thing about an 8 month holiday is it allows you a ton of flexibility, but who would have thought we'd need to use that card within the 1st week. Nanc and I had anticipated a nice visit with my Mom and Lenny (her boyfriend) and had looked forward to going to Sedona, maybe visiting our friends Pete and Sharon, and hopefully seeing our old neighborhood. Lenny was in the hospital when we arrived, the prognosis from his procedure was good and we figured a day or two and he'd be home. Not going to happen, we spent all day Monday at the hospital, all day Tuesday waiting at the hospital for his release, picking up pills and getting him settled. Wednesday was suppose to be "let the healing begin day" but Lenny was unsettled all day and really not able to get around, we did venture out for about an hour to get him a haircut but when we got home it was the same thing, "he just didn't feel right". At about 8pm last night we took him back to the Emergency Room and had him re-admitted. We have decided to extend our time here and give my Mom a hand for a couple of extra days. We are already learning to just relax and take what the day gives.


  1. Well, it seems as though you guys are feeling my "flexibility while on deployment". However, you guys will not be working and in harms way. I hope you guys have the best time! You both deserve it. We love you both and will see you in a few days.
