Wednesday, July 27, 2011


     This morning Nancy and I slept in late, stopped at the store to buy some fruit, and headed out to the Avenue of the Giants. This is a 30 mile drive thru the Northern Coastal Redwood Forest. I never knew that redwoods could reach 360' in height and live to be over 2000 years old. For an example of their size and girth, in 1991 one of the largest trees in the Forest fell, no one was their to see it but a neighbor, some distance away, heard a massive/thundering crash and called 911 to report a possible train wreck. These puppies are huge! Today was inspiring and I really need to think of what I'm going to say here........

     As we were leaving Founders Grove today(one of the many sites along this drive),  Nancy was telling me how days like this, seeing wonders like these, were the real gifts of her life. How right she is...we work hard to buy nicer cars, better furniture and grander homes mostly to please ourselves. But I have to say that in the face of these 2000 year old wonders of the earth, none of those things really hold a candle. Anyone who knows me will attest to my absolute lack of religiosity, but I'm telling you the beauty and grandeur of this planet would leave (I think) anyone considering spiritual possibilities. So there you go...a short, skinny, mumbling Elvis and now the Great Redwoods!!! What's next.  


  1. We did this road trip 2 summers ago and it hit us the same way. The trees are so large that the forest is quiet, because it takes a large wind to sway a tree that large. Pictures do not begin to do justice to the feelings you have hiking in these forests.

  2. Martha,
    A ranger told us these tree's live in 3 distinctly different climate zones because of their height so have to adapt to each at a different level. Also the roots only grow down 6-8 feet but can spread out a 100 ft, intertwine with other trees and basically help hold each other up. Amazing!
