Friday, January 6, 2012

Freycinet National Park

Up to the Lookout was steep but pretty easy...we were tough from Italy.

Great path...steps were even and distanced properly.

Nancy's favorite flower of the day.

Young Slackers taking a break.

The reward from the lookout...Wine Glass Bay.

Lots of people eating, relaxing and of course taking pictures.

This was very true...the way down was tough.

Big boulders, sometimes like this and sometimes just piled on each other.

Being Alive!

Nanc looking good in her new hat.

Water was awesome.

People kind of piled up coming down from the Lookout...they all needed 5 to get it together.

Huge, massive boulders.

After so much work, a little tiny bench for two.

A map to keep you pointed in the right direction.

The reward if you look up.

Warnings about Mt. Amos...
     One of the things high on our to-do list was a visit to Freycinet...we had seen pictures and heard stories about its beauty, pictureques Wine Glass Bay and the Hazard Mountains. Freycinet National Park is the oldest in Tasmania and located about 3 hours up the coastal road, the drive was wonderful with so many sights we could have turned it into a 5 or 6 hour drive. We stopped into the visitors center to pay our day pass fee, grab a map and get some info from the Park Rangers. We had initially thought of the Amos Mt. track but after some long conversation with the Ranger decided on the Wine Glass Lookout and Beach track. To get to Amos Mountain and the spectacular lookout there you have to cross large strips of granite that when wet are very hard to negotiate, with the weather changing instantly in Tassie we reconsidered thinking the other route suited us better. Didn't want to get stuck on a Granite Mountain yelling, "Help"! Everyone who visits here has to travel quite a ways because there is very little close by, the place was packed, not like in the States packed, but real busy for Tassie. The hike up to the Lookout was straight up but, after Italy, not to hard for us. We were rewarded with an awesome view of Wine Glass Bay that got us excited to get down onto it. The way down to the beach was a completely different story, tough going, at some points it seems like the trail is nothing more than stones piled on top of each other...there were people hiking down with young children in there backpack rigs...I have no idea how long this must of taken. We made it down fine but had a little worry about Nanc's knee...with New Zealand looming in a week we didn't want an injury now. We came out of the forest and track to one of the most beautiful bays and beaches we've ever seen. The beahes in all of Australia are simply magnificent but this place stands out even more. A good one word description is "WOW"...2 words would be "Holy Shit"! and 3, "I am speechless"! This alone was worth the trip to Tassie...The pictures we took were wonderful, but this is a place your eyes should feast on first hand. What a trip we are having...a lifetime of memories.

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