Friday, January 13, 2012

The Great Campout...

     We made it to Melbourne and had a pretty nice day...check, got up early (4am) and caught a plane to Melbourne International Airport...very cool place we kind of a disco or art deco look to it...check, nice flight into Auckland, no sweat catching the bus into the city and walked about 3 blocks to the Jucy Hotel, home for the next 2 days. So, this is the duality of life...last night in the Awesome Melbourne Marriott, beautiful foyer and rooms, located on the corner Lonsdale and Exhibition it is right in the heart of the city, we had every convenience and luxury available...Tonight...The Jucy Hotel, one step up from a Backpackers Hostel, clean and comfortable sure but luxury hardly (I'm sitting here laughing) first indication of the difference was in the check in area and then having to carry our bags up to the 2nd floor (no elevators here)...We are going to look at this as "The Missing Link" between the Comfort of the Marriott and our 28 day Camping Trip. We love the adventure of it.
     Did a little scouting of the city and found lots to like, came across a California Burrito shop and a place called Mexicali...that takes care of dinner for the next couple days! On the 12th we spent what was left of the day getting organized and figuring out what we needed for the campout, not a long list. On the 13th we really spent the day looking around Auckland. We got up late and didn't even leave The Jucy until about 11am...looking for something to eat, a little late for breakfast but we spied an old friend, "Starbucks" and enjoyed a cup and a we walked down to our meeting point for tomorrow so we knew how to get there and how long a walk it is...only about 3 blocks and all down hill. We had a wonderful day wandering around the city, checking out the shops and seeing the sights...lunch was at a nice little waterside cafe. We took a stroll along Viaduct Harbor, Princess Wharf and Queens Wharf, Auckland is a very cool city that blends the old and new in equal is bright and cheery and has a good vibe to it. After our mandatory nap (we learned from the Italians), we headed out to Mexicali for we are sitting thoroughly enjoying our burritos I notice a you couple sitting next to us and the young lady is wearing a Flying Kiwi T-shirt...I can't resist, walk over and introduce myself and sure enough these two are our guide (Holly) and driver (Mark) for the next, we are ready for tomorrow, we know where to meet and now we know who to look for...had a nice short chat and left them to eat in peace.
Melbourne International Airport

The Jucy Hotel

Jucy Lucy herself...this looks homier than it really is!

Pinch me.

Sittin by the water eating fish and chips...can't get better.

Nanc is ready for her 28 day campout.

These people are serious about rugby.

Nicest Sailboat I've ever seen...anytime, anywhere.

Would you call these guys...fisherman?

Love the Auckland Museum Ad.

Fabulous burrito.

Best T-shirt. This is the Logo for the Museum.

The old Ferry Building.

Statue of a Moari Warrior.

Sittin by the dock of the bay...

Huge Cruise Ship...Dawn Princess.

The City from Queens Wharf.

The City from Queens Wharf.
     I'm sitting here at 5:30am with great anticipation of what we'll see and do in the next 4 weeks. The weather here seems to be on and off good/bad and the water cold...we are signed up for a couple of extra excursions already and look to add another 3 or 4...I'm for sure swimming with the dolphins and Nanc is coming along to laugh at me, and we also signed up for The Milford Sound cruise. The Maori Haka (kind of like a Luau) is being offered on the 15th and I think we may attend, then of course the thermal pools and mud baths are on our list and who could miss the glowworm caves. All in all this should be a wonderful adventure...stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


     So here we are getting ready to fly to Melbourne in the morning...we are checking our list and getting everything done we need to do. Because we are leaving early I decided to jump in the car and drive up a couple blocks and fill up with gas...the airports only 17km down the road so it shouldn't register below full. The drive no problem, only needed $10 worth of fuel so I head into the station to pay...heading back out to the car I pass a lady across from me filling up, say hello, and proceed to open the door and sit in the passengers first thought is where is the steering wheel, I then look over at the lady to see if she's caught my mistake and she is standing there smiling...I started to laugh, jumped out of the passenger seat and crossed over to the drivers, all the while the lady is watching me and just shaking her head. So funny. And I think I've got this down...Not on your life. Some times I'm such a dork, thank god Nanc wasn't there I'd never hear the end of it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Driving Downunder

Every time I went to get into the car I got in on the passenger side.

I kept my sense of humor thru all this.
This is not easy...everyone is on the wrong side of the road and roundabouts go to the left not the right...this was definitely the hardest thing I had to do here. I had to completely clear my mind and just concentrate on driving, if I didn't I'd end up on the wrong side of the road...ask Nanc, I wasn't always able to concentrate and she gently (NOT) nudged me over to the right (left) side of the road. But in the end I proved you can teach an old dog new tricks because even my wife says I'm doing better...maybe I'm ready for New Zealand.

Bruny Island Cruise

      Our Bruny Island Adventure was the most "Thrill Seeker Excitement" we've done on this trip, hands down... very fast cruiser and lots of close in maneuvers...the adrenalin was pumping.
      We drove up to Kettering to meet up with our bus and then headed down to the Bruny Island Ferry, a short ferry ride landed us in Bruny for a 3 hour excursion down the South Bruny coast and around the Friar Islands. We had heard from a bunch of people we meant that the Bruny Island Cruise was the best adventure you can have in Tasmania. The founder of the company Robert Pennicott is a very interesting guy...entrepreneur, environmentalist, adventurer, philanthropist and multi-award-winning pioneer of Tasmania's Eco-tourism industry who has just been named Tasmania's 2012 Australian of the Year. When we got down to the staging area there he was himself, checking in guest and making sure everything was perfect for every guest...there were 160 of us!!! The guy is awesome and is there working along side his wife, young son and daughter. The Cruiser's were specialty built per his specifications at a cost of $550K each (they have 4)...each cruiser will hold 40 guest and 2 crew...there is no such thing as a bad seat...the Captain we had was a very funny, extremely knowledgeable guy named Andrea, he gave us lots of environmental information and at the same time kept us laughing and having fun. The other crew member was more like a steward on a plane, his one and only job was to make sure everyone was comfortable, and not getting sea sick or too cold. The boat really moves, not sure how fast but your hair is definitely flying behind you.
     The sights we saw were amazing and very beautiful...the water, cliffs, caves, rock formations, birds and animals had us mesmerized...The Monument and Breathing Rock were sights I will never forget seeing...and the fun of hanging out with 1000 Australian Fur Seals and dozens of Dolphins was cooler than cool.
     Tasmania has been wonderful to see and explore, I'm astounded more Americans don't come down here on holiday...the people are as nice as any in the world, the accomodations are clean and inexpensive and the sights and tours are awesome...For anyone not knowing where to go next year Tassie would make you smile!
On the ferry.

Salmon Farm...50K 6" Salmon turn into 5kilos in 18 months...millions  of $'s.

Floating Kelp.

The cliffs are majestic.

Dressed for warmth not style.

Otto our ship steward...handed out ginger pills to anyone who!

Around this corner you leave The Tasman Sea...if you keep going the next thing you'll see is icebergs.

Captain Andrea...very cool cat!

The Monument

Cathedral Cliff's

Breathing Rock...

One of many...

Check out this beautiful spot.

The seals waving at us.


One of the other 3 hours this was the only time we saw another boat. We all left about the same time.

Dolphins are hard to get shots of.

Walking back to the staging area from the dock.

Another great day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Salamanca Market.

The place was packed.

Agnus was part of a mother/daughter pair...someone wanted the daughter, but not poor Agnus. favorite kiosk.

Would love to be Groovy again.

This guy was selling CD's left and right...and yes, it was simply beautiful music.

Flowers were a big draw.

Flower seeds...I think.

Everything under one tent.

painted animals.

The best Tshirt.

tasmanian wool socks

another gift for Nanc...its an apron!

Love all the signs.
    Every Saturday there is a huge outdoor market at Salamanca square...kiosks as far as the eye can see. Great bargains for anything Tassie...they make everything here, the Wine, Cheese, and Kangaroo Steaks are great quality products (I haven't really tried the Kangaroo Steaks, but I've heard) and the wool is the best anywhere. This place was smokin busy, it felt like the whole city was there. Nanc and I just wandered around, had a little lunch and enjoyed the sights. These outdoor markets are fun no matter what country or city your in, and the food usually rocks.