Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Fun

All 4 back together for a little while...cliff dwellings, family cookout, bolder boulder...great weekend.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Got a great new camera...small enough to put in your pocket, 18X zoom, 12 megapixels, 1080 HD video, the color is sweet and the pictures are crystal clear!  Nikon's newest "do everything" COOLPIX S9100. This thing is AWESOME!!! Now give me something to shoot!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Staying connected.

After lots of searching we have decided to go with Telestial as our telephone provider...great rates, easy to understand and good way to stay connected to friends and family. Long day spent setting up accounts and finalizing payments. We are getting closer and closer to our departure date. This weekend my son Josh and his wife are flying in to scout housing in Colorado Springs. As most of you know Josh is retiring from the Marines in December after 20 years of service. My whole family is on the move...Jess and family moving to Louisiana, Josh coming back to Colorado and Nance and I trying to see how green it really is over the next hill. Holy Cow!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Information...

     This from my new friend and temporary landlord Alessio...he was concerned that I seemed a bit precise and how I would react to the ways of the Italian's.

     I hope the impact with the reality of Italy will not be a turn-off for you and Nancy.  Here everything is very vague and wrapped in ancient bullshit.  There's nothing to do about it because Italians are ultra-provincial and have no idea how the world works outside their boarders.  How can I explain this... for instance, the shops have impossible hours and when you finally figure them out, you go to buy a loaf of bread and... well, you find out that for some reason all the shops in that village are closed every Wednesday afternoon... but not the barber shop; when you are driving around, the Police stop you for no reason at all, other than to make a "controllo"... but most of the time the speed limit is not clearly marked; when you ask an information, nobody has a sure answer... and never ask a farmer where north is, because he doesn't understand the question; finding [and understanding!] the train schedule is a nightmare (but it will not be so for you, cause I'll send you the complete schedule from Alviano to Rome and back which I was able to put together after a long discussion about the meaning of life with the Alviano station-master!).  In short, Italy is a very strange place and it will never cease to surprise you.  If it weren't for the glorious food, the wonderful wine (both of which cost next to nothing!) and the breathtaking art, the place would be a total joke.  It will definitely be a very interesting experience for you guys.  I can promise you only one thing: when you'll arrive in Alviano you will go... Ohhhhh... because this place is truly magic.  So, don't get mad about the rest and just take in all the magic you can.)

     I will endeavor to be laid back and have very simple expectations!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another day closer...

Sitting here after another day of working toward I worked on the yard, turned on the sprinkler system, and reposted the Jag onto Craigslist (last deal fell thru)...Nance and Jess were luckier they got to accompany Madie on her field trip to the Dairy Farm...while I was slaving, they enjoyed the wonders of cows, milk and......more cows and milk. The girls are now fixing dinner, tonights menu includes fake meat tacos with fake cheese...yum! I bet the Italians don't eat like this! I definitely will let them convert me to their ways.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Historic day!

With Osama Bin Laden gone, is it safer to travel or more dangerous? Is our enemy slain or have we kicked a hornets nest. Time will tell...we will definitely continue planning our trip.

A very good week!!

Carriage House rented as of tenant Bonnie moves in this morning. Also today I'm turning the yard duties over to Andy. Sold the Jag yesterday to the new Chief of Police in Alamosa, very nice guy who was at the FT. Collins PD and knew my son in law Lance... Nancy and I are down to 1 car and 0 house...let the vagabond days begin...moved into Jessica's temporarily, we are prepping for our attic in 5Terre by staying in her loft, very cramped but cozy. When Jess and the girls leave on June 12th Nancy will bunk at Marsha and John's for a couple weeks and I'll spend most of my time in Vegas. I still have a number of things to wrap up at work, a new store is opening right around the time I leave, I'd like to get it opened, staffed and making money before I take off...timing! Still not sure of my job status when I leave...don't know if I'll be on LOA or unemployed, I am definitely ready for whatever life brings. Most of our trip is planned and a good portion paid for. Still trying to figure out money and what is the best way to pay as we go. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. Currency conversion charges by the bank (3%) are very high but there may be no alternative.