Sunday, April 24, 2011

Time speeding up, Excitement building!

     Here we are 2 months from departure, WOW! Nancy and I are facing this time in much different fashion. Nancy has equated our last couple months of trip preparation to making Thanksgiving dinner, you plan and plan and prepare and then the meals excellence all revolves around how you handle the last 15 minutes...I'm of course more of a "everything will workout" kind of guy...I just keep singing "Don't worry be Happy". We have perfect balance!
      On 04/26 we are moving over to Jessica's and face not living in our own house for more than a year, this is a little unsettling but it gets us one step closer to being on the road. We are so excited to see what 8 months of travel (and homelessness) will do to our lives and future and how it will change our perspective of the world. It's like being young again with tremendous potential for growth and change...after all we need some direction for what we're gonna do for the next 20 years.

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